Thank you P & Hops.
When I was in that relationship, the anxiety over lack of contact, pace, did he really care, was this the Real Relationship I'd been yearning for--was horrendous. It wasn't the happy affection you might feel over someone's socks, or clean desire/yearning you might feel for your partner who's away on a trip.
It was just horrible, off-balance, universe off its axis, can't-be-happy-until-I-hear-from-him obsessive anxiety. Physically, like lots of caffeine plus a little PSTD. Mentally, well...couldn't think much about anything else. And that was likely the most destructive thing. Practically, it meant I abandoned interest in my own life, because all I could think about most of the day was him.yes I have been here sort-of too, when I say sort-of it doesn't last too long with me, tips me over into bipolar mental illness after a few weeks, usually mania.
It is a physical state- all that cortisol and adrenalin racing around. As you say- horrd.
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It is a very powerful distraction from emptiness though, and my marriage was just so sterile even now I don't think my ex realises how much he's hurt me and continues to hurt our family with his obliviousness.
Oh does it feel good to have him say he neeeeeeeds to talk to you, coz only you can understand, only you are able to offer him succour? You, special you! if it were in person I can cope with him better because it's easy to challenge him, on the phone he just goes on and on, in fact you remember 'One foot in the grave' where Victor puts down the phone to Mrs Warboys and just keeps going back out of politeness every few minutes and saying yes,'s like that.
I do love him, he has a very generous streak at times, and we've had some nice times together and he is one of the few people who has seen me really ill and just opened his home to me. He drove all night to get to me once when my family were worried about me, but so typically he left after a few hours and didn't think to get me some meds ( he's a doctor ) or take me to hospital!
He will be wanting support in his battle against his wife not support for anything else, that's why I'm not calling. His wife and I talk very openly about our situations and men, she has made it hard for herself by choosing to stay for the lifestyle, but he just got worse until he drove her away.
N people do that. We think it's us who are making the decision but it was them- they want our closeness but can't handle it really and hate us for it.
Re crush guy- much more perspective today. Got stuck in terrible rain here yesterday ( loads of flooding and 2 people drowned ) so had time to reflect.
The issues in all this for me are:
*having a relationship and the hormones etc not triggering my bipolar( my body is extremely sensitive to changes and particularly falling in love, that euphoria and sleeplessness, I get sick )
*sharing the bipolar with the other person- at what point, how without scaring them etc ( this is a real problem, Kay Redfield Jamison writes about it too, people's reaction to mental illness can be very stereotypical but they pick up on it anyway and wonder subtly what's going on...she says she's never found an ideal solution and just accepts that if someone can't handle the thought of a mental illness she probably doesn't need to be too close to them anyway and that not everyone is overwhelmed or repulsed by it )
*staying on track with divorce and good relations with ex( this is going well but I have made a firm decision I cannot bring anyone in on the dynamics right now- it's fragile and my ex though he's making practical steps to move on is very difficult to predict. His responses are usually mean in the short-term then he is sorry, but he's extreme and would think nothing of trashing me or another person in his angry miserable state. Things between us are based around my son and we've slowly dropped the rest of our 'friendship' him too, as it didn't feel healthy any more. We discuss practical stuff and our boy and more general things, and interestingly I have been a bit ill the past few days and he has backed right off! I've been on 'broken record mode' too about the behaviours he's allowing my son to witness- negativity and unpleasant talk, he knows I am right but he is so resistant to changing...)
*do I need more therapy around close relationships & my past?*crush guy himself and what's going on with himPennyplant said
Just want to think outloud and maybe get a little closer to what might work and what might feel better. and I am finding it very useful to bring things here and have y'all feed back what I'm doing/ thinking...apologies to anyone who is sick of hearing me, skip this thread!
last night I did go to the chorus and I did wait for crush guy and talk to him after. He seemed pleased to see me, I asked if everything was okay between us, he said 'absolutely' and that he's going to write to me. He doesn't look very happy in himself, maybe he has soemthing going on he doesn't want to talk about ( who doesn't! ) but I would rather have him as a superficial friend than let some more tension build between us and we end in avoiding each other completely.
It struck me yesterday I am acting as though this is the be all and end all of my relationships, when it's not, but that's a typical over reaction for me and something I need to manage.
I've not been managing my illness as well lately, because I've been busy I've been letting the energy levels build to get more doen- and now I'm suffering the stress and anxiety which comes with it.
Anywy, crush guy- I told him it's important to me, a correspondence, & it is. It's how I maintain closeness without overwhelming me or the other person. And it's also a boundary for me in this friendship which is moving towards romance: if he refuses to 'give' me that he's not going to be able to 'give' in other ways I suspect- or maybe he just needs some time to adjust to my very different ways of behaving and thinking.
I'm going to give us both some space, I really have to learn that instead of pushing.
Does this make more sense ( or some sense
