And how do I return his books and house key? Or is that not actually my problem?
Immediately get going on returning them in the mail. Allow yourself to obsess about this guy until they are in the mail. Keep telling yourself that once they are in the mail you will no longer think about him or talk about him. Once they are in the mail, keep your vow. Every time he pops into your mind, visualize a giant broom that sweeps him out as though he were a noxious insect. Repeat as necessary. If you find anything else of his, unless it is of value, immediately give it away, throw it away or donate it, as appropriate. This is a trick I used when I cut off contact with an alcoholic friend. It took a while, but it worked, and I didn't wear out my friends, because I talked about it once, then I stopped.
I deleted the text number, to prevent me sending increasingly desperate messages as the days go on, and I have 'lost' the email address too, which I think is best. And I almost fell into the trap of writing a final 'dear John' email to say what I was doing, but didn't.
I am not used to this kind of thing. And the trouble is, he knows me too well.
It does not make sense to attempt to contact someone over and over trying to force them to respond. In our society it is accepted to contact someone once. If it's important, and you are not sure your message was received, you can try once again. Then you must stop trying to contact them, because they don't want to talk to you. That is how normal people in society behave. When you tried to contact this man and he didn't respond, he was sending you a clear message that he does not value you in a respectful and socially accepted manner. No matter what he does in the future,
that message has been sent. Good for you that you've gotten it.
He told me once he had no empathy, and like a fool I thought he was joking. I think now he was telling the truth, and what I thought was empathy was just a kind of detached interest in seeing another creature squirm.
Long ago when I was young and trying to make a selfish man change so that he loved me the way I wanted to be loved, a wise older woman said to me "When someone tells you something bad about themselves,
believe them." She was right. He had told me what he was like, once upon a time. He had said "I'm not good at relationships." Guess what? He wasn't good at relationships and I suffered because I was
so narcissistic that I thought I could fix it for him with the specialness of my love. It would be
different for me. It is an odd feature of narcissists that they often do warn you about themselves. They warn you once. If you then offer yourself up as a sacrifice, they will gladly take that sacrifice. (As an aside, this also holds true for narcissistic bosses. When you go to a job interview, listen very carefully to what they say about themselves. If they denigrate their other employees, or say or imply that they have difficulty with relationships, do not take the job.)
You now know this person is bad news and bad for you. The pain you are experiencing will end as long as you accept it and acknowledge that it will pass and you will be better for it, stronger, and above all, free. You will also have an incredibly valuable insight: if someone else doesn't meet you halfway, there is no relationship and there will never be a relationship.
Those of us who are children of narcissists learn our own lack of worth. We learn that only constant striving to please another person will save us from punishment. We learn that others' happiness is our only excuse for wasting oxygen by living. Consequently, when we go out into the world on our own, we undervalue ourselves. We give too much and ask too little and we persevere when withdrawal is the right choice. At the same time, we've been to believe that we can fix other people's lives. Then we end up being the victims of alcoholics, people with NPD and others who behave narcissistically. I think all of us who have suffered as a result of our abusive upbringing has had the experience you are having
at least once! So hang in there. You aren't alone, it doesn't last and you don't ever have to go through it again!