I was wondering how you are doing with the withdrawal - hope you are ok.
I am not sure ok is the right way to describe it, but I am alive, and I have not texted, emailed, phoned or anything else all week, which is so amazingly strong of me, I can hardly believe it.
Meanwhile, my central heating has broken down, and I have some kind of cold or something. Best described as low grade infection, of indeterminate kind.
So, to sort the heating, I am hoping and praying that I can do it myself. This happened last winter and cost me about £200 to fix, and I don't have that kind of money lying around. I have been to the builders store, and bought some system cleaner, and I have asked a girlfriend of mine, who also doesn't have a clue what to do, to come over one day, and have a trying to sort it out together day. And if it fails, we can have a laugh about it together. Apparently, I have to partially drain the system, then put the cleaner in, and then fill the system again and run the heating. At that point, I am hoping that the block is only minor, and the cleaner will be able to reach it and clear it. If not, I will need to call a plumber in. But if I am very lucky indeed, the system will work, and then I can run it for a month, and then drain it down again, and then put in what is called inhibitor, to stop it clogging up again.
Lord, have mercy!!!

I told my gf, why is it that we are so totally, utterly alone, at times when we need help and support from those we have helped and supported endlessly for months and years. What makes us so completely isolated. And of course, part of the answer is that we seem from the outside to be so capable, so able, and people ignore what we say, in favour of their fantasy that we will cope because we always have, and we willl survive because we always have.
But at least at present the focus is firmly on me, my house, my d, my needs. And until I sort everything that needs to be sorted, and that only I can sort, then there is less time for worrying about anyone else.
I don't know if I have PTSD, but I struggle so much with what you describe. I am afraid to go grocery shopping or put gas in the car. I get nervous at the movies, because I am afraid the 16-year-old-movie usher might chastise me for something or other. There is always tension in my body, tiring. I get nightmares, insomnia, exhaustion after percieved rejection (real or not). So, the following thoughts are probably the bliind leading the blind....
It sounds like ptsd symptoms. If you do an online search to find out more, it might help. One good place is the Sidran foundation. The exhaustion after rejection is because of retraumatisation, and it builds in layers over time, preventing you from going out. I think this is well worth you looking into, because it takes specialist care to get out of this, once you get in.
It also takes strong social and family support, which for an ACON is just impossible. Which, in my worst moments, leads me into complete despondency. I cannot do this on my own, and yet none of the support systems which would help me are anywhere to be found. Here online, and two friends. I am not sure it will be possible without more, and yet how do I find it, when I am not capable of choosing the right people?

A) when I have to, I can carry on a conversation, and B) not everyone on the planet is a mean-spirited user.
A, ditto, B, are you sure?

Thanks for the book recommendation, and thanks too for the support. I really appreciate it. ((((((((hugs))))))