Author Topic: Phobias  (Read 15297 times)


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2006, 11:18:41 PM »

There has just got to be a solution for what to do with your cats if something should happen.  What about any animal loving or animal rescuing groups in your area?  Have they ever run up against this situation with any of their members or have they heard of any solutions, since they would probably love animals as much as you do and may spend much of their lives with animals?  I don't mean PETA.  Around here we have several animal rescue groups (made up of people, not the government) and humane societies where regular people devote much of their lives to pets.  Sort of a network of people who care about the same thing.  I just wonder if some group like that exists in your area and whether some of the members have ideas about helping single people with animals.  It must come up frequently.

Some communities have window stickers to let the fire dept. know there are children in the house.  Does anyplace have such stickers for pets?  That could help in some emergencies.

Maybe you've already come up with these ideas.  These are the things that popped into my mind since your fear seems like a reasonable one that should have a solution.  Maybe others will have additional ideas for you.

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Re: Phobias
« Reply #46 on: October 26, 2006, 11:42:32 PM »
Is there anyone you are close to that you could say, Can I call you twice weekly just to let you know all is ok, and if you don't hear from me check on my cats?That way if it were a case of something happening to you, cats can be OK for a few days. As for the worry about fire... are you in an apt bld? I think this is a fear about loss of control more than anything. Unless you think there is a reason the building would catch on fire, you are fearing something very beyond your control and very unlikely to happen.

Portia, I LOVE your idea for the movie (you are so sweet and that was the cutest idea). Sometimes I excuse my father's behavior so much more because I know he lived with that every day of his childhood. And with my grandfather who loved no one as well.

Hops, I hated her for so long. I used to say to her, "There are you happy, I am a drunk like you." I felt like she was looking at me from wherever she was and laughing that she had managed to destroy me.I know she was miserable and I should feel pity. But how can you feel pity for someone who destroys those around her?

Love to all of you.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2006, 12:04:48 AM »
After reading this whole thread at once, my skin is crawling and I fear I may throw up!
My phobia is germs.  I am revolted by body fluids, I faint at the sight of blood, I feel nauseous if I see anyone spit on the street.  For some reason I can examine my child's bowel movement with interest, but God forbid a dog should lick my cheek!  I relive and relive a joke about a cuspidor that I heard as a child, shuddering every time.   I don't think I will ever have sex again because I've had too much time to learn about STDs, and now, I can't even go into a public jacuzzi!  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I sometimes lie awake thinking, what if I have parasites.  I wonder how much turpentine I can swallow (that kills parasites, right?) without killing myself.  I can stick my hands into dirt including worms and bugs, no problem.  I can pet a snake, or any animal, as long as I have the hand sanitizer to hand.   I guess I am just crazy!  Plus, the claustrophobia!   I sleep all winter with windows open so I don't rebreathe any air, and cannot wear socks, because my toes would not be free.  Hey this thread is really up my alley!  Or should I be on the totally bonkers thread?


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2006, 12:26:16 AM »
Beth, thank you for starting this thread.  Writing down a few of my many phobias is strangely freeing.  However, reading it over, I am beginning to feel that I am a bit barmy.  Tattoos?  Whaaat!  And share needles with the general public???!!!   Sausages?    What is actually in there?  Ride public transport and touch a pole that has been touched by many others? Are you mad?!!!????   I will have to think about this.  Maybe my phobias are limiting.  (Is that a 'duh' statement?)


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #49 on: October 27, 2006, 12:31:16 AM »
I have seen a television show named "Monk" and I enjoy it because it is about a detective who is worse than I am.  So much worse.  I just feel so normal compared to him.  Am I going on and on?


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #50 on: October 27, 2006, 01:32:37 AM »
I  have become a huge hand washer. I must wash my hands a hundred times a day.I am sure it is somewhat compulsive. If it makes you feel better, I have lived in some very dirty places... and travelled to some very dirty places. I drank water there... I did get a stomach illness once... but that's been it. Again, I think it's that loss of control thing. What if you are the person (or your kids or cats, etc) who eats the tainted spinach? But you can't worry about it too much or you will sink into it too far I think. I do start to do that and I have to stop... with a lot of things beyond my control (OOOhhh another phobia... flying...).
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #51 on: October 27, 2006, 02:18:51 AM »
Meant to say, PP, that I am certain your tattoo is gorgeous! And I'd love to see it!

I have had serious thoughts of getting a small sunflower tattoo to help heal the prior discord between my daughter and me, but I blew it by telling her about what I wanted to do and why during the time she was raging at me when we were on vacation...and she was loathing everything I said and did at that moment so she turned it into a horrible idea somehow....likely because I was horrible in her mind just then.

I'm sorry, because I do love the idea. A sunflower to represent her because we grew them, her Dad and I, and I have many photos of her near favorite is so amazing. She has a totally delighted-with-herself huge funny grin on her face, and a big sunflower is bowing down toward her just like a friendly big mammal. And it even has a happy drunk bee in its center. It's an amazing pic, I have had a few large versions for her and one for me.

Maybe I could ask her again about going with me to a tattoo establishment? Or do y'all think it's a dead subject and I should not mention it again?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #52 on: October 27, 2006, 02:25:59 AM »
The sunflower AND the symbolism are sweet. For you. But I am not sure that she will share your joy. Will you forgive me if I say that is being too chummy? She needs guidance and love, but not a "friend" in her mom.
If you get the tattoo, will you put a picture of it on here? I never thought of getting a pretty flower like that (a hibiscus?)
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #53 on: October 27, 2006, 02:43:11 AM »
Thanks, Beth. I'm serious about wanting people's opinion and I see your point. Thank you for it!
I will listen carefully...I think you make sense about being chummy, but on the other hand it would be for me, too, a statement to myself about my love for her...

But maybe you have put your finger on why it backfired. Anybody else?

And not quite on point, but here it is almost 3 a.m. and Donald Rumsfeld is speaking to me on CNN...I am in an alternate cold-induced universe...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #54 on: October 27, 2006, 05:30:11 AM »
Dear Hops, you asked.

Please tell me Hops, how exactly is you getting a tattoo going to help heal any discord? What has a tattoo on your body got to do with the feelings and thoughts of another person?

What would she get out of going with you for you to get a tattoo? What’s in it for her, apart from a boring wait while you get done?

Yes it would be a statement to yourself about your love for her. That’s all it would be.

Hops, if your mother had suggested the same thing to you when you were 25, to heal the stuff between you, what would your reaction have been? Seriously?


I apply your kind of cleanliness to only certain areas and they have to be spotless. The rest I try not to touch too often! How lazy is that? Practical I think!

Re-breathing air. I bet you don’t take plane flights? They’re disgusting. Re-breathing other people’s breath and germs. I get sore throats and colds after flights. I had the idea of producing small canisters of compressed ‘fresh air’ I could sell so that people could breathe their own personal air on flights. But then we had terrorism and that idea gets junked. But really, I know what you mean, somewhat. I think good air will become something we fight over in years to come.


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #55 on: October 27, 2006, 05:47:58 AM »

I have a thing about mammals vs. reptiles - I'll feed a snake to a mouse, if I have to, but I won't feed a mouse to a snake. I'm closer kin to the mouse, and I feel it in my bones. Weird, I know.

Not weird at all! To have a lower species eat a higher species seems to go against nature, evolution. To have a repetition-compulsion-brained snake eat a clever limbicly-equipped mouse goes against our feelings of superiority. If a snake can do that to a mouse, what hope for humans? This is one of those disgust fears that so many sci-fi ideas feed off, where the aliens are insect-like or unfeeling lizard creatures. Aliens usually are ‘unfeeling’, without emotional brains. Not weird at all Storm, a very human reaction.


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #56 on: October 27, 2006, 07:47:07 AM »
Meant to say, PP, that I am certain your tattoo is gorgeous! And I'd love to see it!

I have had serious thoughts of getting a small sunflower tattoo to help heal the prior discord between my daughter and me, but I blew it by telling her about what I wanted to do and why during the time she was raging at me when we were on vacation...and she was loathing everything I said and did at that moment so she turned it into a horrible idea somehow....likely because I was horrible in her mind just then.

I'm sorry, because I do love the idea. A sunflower to represent her because we grew them, her Dad and I, and I have many photos of her near favorite is so amazing. She has a totally delighted-with-herself huge funny grin on her face, and a big sunflower is bowing down toward her just like a friendly big mammal. And it even has a happy drunk bee in its center. It's an amazing pic, I have had a few large versions for her and one for me.

Maybe I could ask her again about going with me to a tattoo establishment? Or do y'all think it's a dead subject and I should not mention it again?


Hops, I think instead of doing the things you want to do to reach out to your daughter, she needs you to do the thing you are resisting doing.

There is a reason, which only you know and only you need to know, why you don't want to explore this topic along certain lines.

I'm trying to be nice about this and not overstep.

But you aren't going to get a shortcut on this for the simple reason that THERE ISN'T ONE.

You don't get over alcoholism by reading books and going to meetings, you get over it by stopping drinking. The books and meetings help.

You don't get over past abuse by telling yourself they really loved you. You get over it by admitting it was abuse, admitting it was damaging, feeling everything that's appropriate to feel about that, and striving to reach the point where you can genuinely release the situation and the people involved because you have genuinely dealt with them, and it, and you are healed.

Your daughter knows BS when she hears it. She knows avoidance when she sees it. She will also recognize guts and moral courage when she sees them. You are amply supplied with both guts and moral courage. Use them here.

Getting a tattoo isn't going to make up for something you did that you should not have done, or something you didn't do that you should have done, someone you should have protected her from and didn't, someone you should have encouraged her to be closer to and didn't; the only thing that will make up for that - for whatever it is - I'm not asking, this is a generic list - is

admitting it

letting her tell you how she feels about it and not interrupting her, not minimizing her, not invalidating her, just hearing her

accepting what she says and not making excuses for yourself [take her at her word. let her have a voice.]

accepting what happened and what has resulted from it

asking forgiveness

and meaning it

and trying your best - a real best, for her; not a rhetorical best, for strangers on a message board - not to do it again. Whatever it is or was.

This, trust me, will work. But you can also take my word for it: nothing short of this ever will.

And I know this is hard to believe, but I really am on your side here. I'm on your daughter's side too. I don't think they have to be opposite sides.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 07:58:39 AM by Stormchild »
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Re: Phobias
« Reply #57 on: October 27, 2006, 07:52:07 AM »

I have a thing about mammals vs. reptiles - I'll feed a snake to a mouse, if I have to, but I won't feed a mouse to a snake. I'm closer kin to the mouse, and I feel it in my bones. Weird, I know.

Not weird at all! To have a lower species eat a higher species seems to go against nature, evolution. To have a repetition-compulsion-brained snake eat a clever limbicly-equipped mouse goes against our feelings of superiority. If a snake can do that to a mouse, what hope for humans? This is one of those disgust fears that so many sci-fi ideas feed off, where the aliens are insect-like or unfeeling lizard creatures. Aliens usually are ‘unfeeling’, without emotional brains. Not weird at all Storm, a very human reaction.

Thanks P. I tend to think so too, and that leaves me feeling very uncomfortable around people who think it's cool to feed their snakes live mice and bunnies... And I'm comfortable with that discomfort. I just wish I could find a way to save the bunnies and the mice.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #58 on: October 27, 2006, 08:10:27 AM »

I don't think you overstepped. I hesitated on all the 'shoulds' and 'shouldn'ts' because well, it's too late and what were mistakes, were mistakes (like you, I'm talking generically here, could be about anyone).

We all make mistakes, or act in ways that are less than perfect, I don't think there are shoulds as such, unless it was a perfect world and we were perfect in it. I agree with you: recognising, admitting, taking real responsibility for our actions, hoping for understanding and forgiveness (but not expecting it either) - all good solid stuff.
I wish this had happened to us Storm, with our mothers. How much do you wish it?

Just seen your next post and yes, I'm not comfortable with it. I accept that snakes eat what they eat but i don't think somehow i want to be involved with it. I accept that domestic cats catch, play with and kill small furry things and I don't blame the cats. I also eat cow and imagine that the cows wouldn't exist if we didn't eat them.

I don't really want to save the bunnies and mice (they're probably bred to be food so they wouldn't have a life otherwise) but it's the human involvement in, well, sort of aiding and abetting the snake - the lower species - at the expense of the higher species, that bothers me. Do these humans feel closer to the snakes than to animals that are biologically closer to them? And if so, what does that say (about the humans)? All this stuff occupies me from time to time.


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Re: Phobias
« Reply #59 on: October 27, 2006, 08:48:03 AM »
Meant to say, PP, that I am certain your tattoo is gorgeous! And I'd love to see it!

I have had serious thoughts of getting a small sunflower tattoo to help heal the prior discord between my daughter and me, but I blew it by telling her about what I wanted to do and why during the time she was raging at me when we were on vacation...and she was loathing everything I said and did at that moment so she turned it into a horrible idea somehow....likely because I was horrible in her mind just then.

I'm sorry, because I do love the idea. A sunflower to represent her because we grew them, her Dad and I, and I have many photos of her near favorite is so amazing. She has a totally delighted-with-herself huge funny grin on her face, and a big sunflower is bowing down toward her just like a friendly big mammal. And it even has a happy drunk bee in its center. It's an amazing pic, I have had a few large versions for her and one for me.

Maybe I could ask her again about going with me to a tattoo establishment? Or do y'all think it's a dead subject and I should not mention it again?


I think a tattoo is something you should only do for yourself.  I like having one and I liked getting one.  And I'm so surprised that I would ever like or do something like that.  I only started looking at designs because my husband has wanted to get one for years and couldn't decide.  So, I would look at them with him.  This summer I looked at them for several weeks and kept going back to the same one.  Once I picked a dragonfly design, I looked up dragonfly to see if it had any "meaning".  It does.  One of the things it symbolizes is transformation.  Well, that just has to be the theme of my entire life, both for good and for bad.  So, it was a keeper.

I went by myself to get it and didn't tell anybody that would be the day.  The whole process was good and also somewhat transforming in and of itself.  It didn't necessarily do anything active for my relationship with my ultra-tattooed son.  But it did give me a window into his world.  Which is very cool.  I have always been very resistant to really seeing into his world in an authentic way.  A symptom of my deep insecurity and very mushy sense of self.  I'm kind of hopeful that my real self is firming up a bit now.  Not as a result of getting the tattoo.  The tattoo is the result of beginning to firm up.  If that makes any sense.

And I still have years of work ahead of me in understanding my son.  I feel confident we have a bond.  Which I wasn't always confident of.  But accepting him as a person and not losing myself in the process, that's a long term effort.  It shouldn't even be about me.  I should already exist and not be worrying about me.  I should have been discovering him and accepting him from day one.  So, there it is.  Better late than never I suppose.


added on edit:  I tried a fake tattoo first and liked how "ink" looked on my skin, so I figured a real one would look okay too.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 08:58:38 AM by pennyplant »
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