Somebody said can of worms. I hate those things. I have conquered it enough that I can garden 90% of the time without getting that horrible panic attack and flinging the gloves down and going in the house for awhile. Sometimes I garden without gloves at all!!!
But the worst thing ever happened with one of my cats. This one used to disappear for months at a time then come home to stay again the rest of the year till she got wanderlust again. Well, she must have been eating rodents or something while on the lam and picked up parasites one time. She was in the kitchen one night hacking and choking. I thought it was going to be a hairball and went over to her to wait for her to stop. She threw up and there were these tiny white rings laying there. What are those? I wondered. I just stared at them a few moments until they unwound themselves and started writhing on the rug.
Oh my God, worms!!!! I started screaming at the top of my lungs and jumping up and down uncontrollably. Naturally the cat whooshed under the couch. And I went after her to throw her out of the house. It was very noisy with both of us running around the downstairs, me screaming hysterically, her scratching and scrambling. Then I remembered the worms and had to think of a way to destroy them without touching them. I decided to poison them and grabbed a bottle of ammonia and poured it out all over them until they stopped that horrible writhing. Then I put a bunch of paper towels on them and waited for my husband to come home. I sat on the couch until I stopped panting. Eventually caught the cat and threw her outside until I could get her to the vets for de-worming. Every time she hacked after that for months, out the door she'd go.
My worm phobia started one day when I was walking the block to school in the rain and noticed what seemed like hundreds of them all over the sidewalks in various shapes, sizes, colors, and conditions. It was a true phobia and still is to a certain extent. It started during those stessful grade school years when I was, I now realize, dealing with life by stifling my voice. It seems to have tapped into my tendency toward OCD as well. Have never wanted to de-sensitize myself formally, because, well they are so gross. I preferred to make the accomodations. It is better now, I think, because I'm dealing with my past. Years ago, I wouldn't even have been able to type the word worms or tell this story. I used to have nightmares about them too.
Also, fear of heights. I've mentioned before, all the falls I had as a child, landing on my head, etc. So, that one seems like a wise phobia on some level.