Hi Portia - LOL - She wasn't 'blaming me', she just wanted the 'best' for me!! She both 'gave' me confidence and undermined me totally all at the same time. She meant well (!) but was guided by projections and transferences that weren't me. And I wasn't strong enough, smart enough, wise enough to resist.
I no longer despise myself for not being stronger. How could I have been? I had no yardstick to judge it against. I often knew things weren't right - but I only had her and my father to confirm it for me. She couldn't/wouldn't and he wouldn't/couldn't.
I'm sure I'd have been an even bigger mess wtih siblings around.
Christy -
start a "freedom" log of my own small victories
That's such a good idea.
I wonder if they can ever become the "parent
No, but that mantra (she's the parent; I'm the child) just helps me remember that I'm NOT the parent; she has responsibility for herself and a responsibility towards me. She may never take it up - but it's still not 'my' job to be the parent in this game.
I'm not responsible for picking up her pieces - even now, even at her 'advanced' age. I've given her plenty of good information, she's had plenty of people willing to help, and she has to do the rest. She chooses to reject, manipulate and lambast and people turn away. She chooses - as much as she has a 'choice' in her state of mind (that's the difficult bit that scuppers my intention again).
How do we teach people like this that they can risk making
new choices and the world won't fall apart (for all I know, hers might!!

In vitro, yes - I always had the fantasy that I must have arrived in this world with guilt that I'd damaged my mother during childbirth by getting born and that the guilt had just followed me throughout my life. (After all, becoming independent is 'being born' of a kind, isn't it!) I didn't realise that I had good reason to feel guilty.
It just never occurred to me that my 'nice' mother actually wanted me to feel guilty with the intention for me to stay and keep her strong and be her 'front' - "Look at this nice little girl, this is me, isn't she nice; go on dear, perform for the visitors" Knowing deep down I could never get anything right and would never be perfect enough but also knowing she would insist on constantly exposing me....Aaaauuugh!