Author Topic: Discovery of N caused Physical Symptoms?  (Read 1724 times)


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Discovery of N caused Physical Symptoms?
« on: November 07, 2006, 01:09:24 PM »
Hi All,

Since my recent discovery that my parents (now deceased) may have been Ns or possessed N characteristics, I have not felt too good.

Feeling dizzy.  Went to the doctor who checked my blood and said it's fine.

But, I feel dizzy.  Flu?  Stress?

I'm also experincing grief due to the death of my last remaining parent.

I also recently 'broke up' with my therapist for 2 reasons:  First, when I mentioned that I thought that my parents may have been Ns, her response was basically that she could not say whether or not they were Ns. 

Thus, my therapist and I had almost no dicussion about Ns.  This was frustrating since I felt Nism was a key to many problems in my life, such as not being able to maintain good relationships.

Second reason is that I felt my therapist began morphing into my mother, displaying N characteristics.

So, I broke up with therapist.

But, my main question is: Has anyone experienced physical symptoms after discovering that someone in their life is (or was) an N?




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Re: Discovery of N caused Physical Symptoms?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 02:30:38 PM »
Hi Dazed,

I am sorry to hear about your experience with your T.  Is is important to feel safe and free to discuss whatever you think is important to you.  have you thought about finding another T?

As for physical symptoms, here is my experience:

When I discovered my mom was N about a year ago, I discoved a lot about myself, and I still am still learning about me.  One of the biggest discoveries I had was that I had emotions!  I had buried them for years, experiencing only grief.  But now I realize how much anxiety and anger I have, among other things.  Sometimes these new experiences with new emotions trigger physical reactions that are unfamiliar to me.

I recently realized I have anxiety attacks (cold sweats, dizziness, nausea) when I go shopping.  The reasons are complicated (involving fears of rejection), but part of the equation has to do with my N mom.  Shopping and buying me clothes was pretty much the only way she ever showed me love or attention as a child.  I remember relishing every moment, never wanting it to end. But I never really enjoyed the shopping, because I knew when the shopping trip was over, she would be done loving me.

Something I have done lately with my anxiety is slow, deep breathing.  It really helps me when I start feeling dizzy and panicky when shopping or doing other things that cause anxiety.

Have you noticed any patterns in when or where you experience dizziness or other symptoms?

Could there be any specific connection to traumatic memories you may have with your parents?

These are, of course, just some ideas for questions. No pressure to answer them.


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Re: Discovery of N caused Physical Symptoms?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 05:00:43 PM »
Not sure if this will help or not--I worked for five years for an N and the stress of that situation led to physical symptoms.  Constant upset stomach, so much so, that I began cutting out dairy thinking that was the problem.  I also cut my portions in half thinking I felt better when my stomach was not full.  I lost 20 pounds this way.  I didn't mind the weight loss so much.  But it is indicative of how much stress I was under.  I didn't know for sure she was N, but I suspected it.  Once I left there and eventually found a different job, I noticed that I had no trouble with my stomach at all!

I tend to also feel dizzy or have an upset stomach when I'm around my mother.  Too much pressure to make her happy or something.

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Re: Discovery of N caused Physical Symptoms?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 06:10:06 PM »
Hi Dazed,
Have you read descriptions of panic attacks, and anxiety symptoms? I think the N-discovery is so horrifying it can trigger that. In case it helps:

I'm sorry, Dazed. Feels awful when your body starts giving you sensations you don't understand. Hope having more info about anxiety symptoms might help.

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Re: Discovery of N caused Physical Symptoms?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 07:48:47 PM »
Hi Dazed,

Sorry your not feeling well and  its no wonder, you have been through a lot.
 To answer your question...YES !!!  I felt sick to my stomach, headaches, had trouble focusing and was in complete confusion.

 For me the realization that everything I thought  was real, ...well just wasn't and it was all just a farce, that was such a shock.  I know my head was spinning and the stress and anxiety of ...OK, what now... I need to have something stable in my life something to fall back on.. everyone needs a family, I thought that was already covered, but it was never really there.Will anyone ever except me? my own family doesn't.(and this just isn't fair I did NOTHING to deserve this) Thats enough to make you feel sick.I was so anxious and depressed and that can lead to physical symptoms and so can grief like sovereign and safe pointed out

. From an earlier experience, I had gone to my OBGYN because of problems with frequent menstruation (only a week in between cycles) After an exam the Dr. determined it was anxiety and went off on a spiel that sounded so memorized saying anxiety can take on so many physical forms and its so common. He advised getting out of the house and doing something... anything just do it in an organized manor and avoid the people or things that cause stress then he prescribed estrogen for the physical symptoms.  (here I thought I had a tumor or something worse). Grief is another thing that can take on physical symptoms. After my sister in-law was killed in a car accident at a very young age. I got a call from the school nurse telling me that my daughter had visited her office everyday for two weeks complaining of a headache and would I please get her in to the doctor.(she never told me about the headaches or nurses visits, I think because she saw how much I was grieving and probably thought it was normal to take medicine everyday because thats what I was doing) After talking to the pediatrician and explaining the circumstances he felt she wasn't handling the grief in a healthy way and when that happens it can take on physical symptoms that are varied from person to person. He even mentioned that in can come out in common forms like head aches or can sometimes be quite bizarre. Then recommended grief therapy if it persisted, thankfully the headaches went away after much consoling, reassurance and empathizing with her fears.

Dazed this is a very hard thing to go through but you seem so focused and clear and thats a really good thing. If the dizziness persists and you return to the Dr. make sure you tell him about the stress and grief if you haven't already. He may  realize he could be looking in the wrong direction. I wish you lots of love and wisdom in your healing. Sorry I went on so long this is new to me too.


« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 08:18:52 PM by fraidycat »