Hi Dazed,
I am sorry to hear about your experience with your T. Is is important to feel safe and free to discuss whatever you think is important to you. have you thought about finding another T?
As for physical symptoms, here is my experience:
When I discovered my mom was N about a year ago, I discoved a lot about myself, and I still am still learning about me. One of the biggest discoveries I had was that I had emotions! I had buried them for years, experiencing only grief. But now I realize how much anxiety and anger I have, among other things. Sometimes these new experiences with new emotions trigger physical reactions that are unfamiliar to me.
I recently realized I have anxiety attacks (cold sweats, dizziness, nausea) when I go shopping. The reasons are complicated (involving fears of rejection), but part of the equation has to do with my N mom. Shopping and buying me clothes was pretty much the only way she ever showed me love or attention as a child. I remember relishing every moment, never wanting it to end. But I never really enjoyed the shopping, because I knew when the shopping trip was over, she would be done loving me.
Something I have done lately with my anxiety is slow, deep breathing. It really helps me when I start feeling dizzy and panicky when shopping or doing other things that cause anxiety.
Have you noticed any patterns in when or where you experience dizziness or other symptoms?
Could there be any specific connection to traumatic memories you may have with your parents?
These are, of course, just some ideas for questions. No pressure to answer them.