These smart and kind folks here are telling you the truth. You are not imagining the imbalance in your relationship and you can erase those old tapes and soon install new and more accurate ones. It might not even take as long as you might think! In my life I poisoned my relationships since childhood with inaccurate tapes such as, of course they are mean to me, I'm no good, I'm ugly, I'm loud, whatever negative thing I could come up with.
The truth is I have always been normal--no worse and no better than any of the people who walk around on this earth feeling okay about taking up space and breathing up some of the atmosphere. All I had to do to change my belief, and therefore my reality, was to change my tapes.
I am amazed how easy it was to make new tapes and believe them and now I can't go back to the old ones. If I try it out in my mind, being negative, it just doesn't ring true anymore. It sounds ridiculous, in fact.
You can do it too and it will make such a difference in your life. No matter what, next week when you see the couples T, you should have a new good tape going in your head--You stood up for yourself, you made yourself heard, you have made things more fair, not just for you but for your husband. If he continues to be coddled by the couples T then he won't be contributing to the health of your marriage, he will be undermining it and that's no good. He has to be called on the carpet when it is right to do so. That gives him a chance to be his best too. You done good!!!
Now you just have to believe it yourself.