Welcome Shoredreamer,
I'm so sorry for your situation. You did not mention if there were any children involved. This can have a significant impact on what you must do.
The information Jac provided is very good. My xnh left me very suddenly after 22 years of marriage and 2 children, but has never been abusive or hostile, so those were not issues I dealt with. But n's are liars and cannot be trusted to be fair or honest during the divorce process. I discovered so many things after he left that he had been hiding and lying about for years (financial, sexual, affair).
Your stbx has no right to keep you from your personal possessions, or your share of the family income. You are wise to bring law enforcement with you to obtain your stuff however, based on his level of abusiveness. His reaction to your divorce papers most likely will be even more rage and entitlement--so be prepared for the next barrage. DO NOT let him draw you back in. He may try the tactic of desperation and neediness in order to appeal to your need to fix him (that is why we choose these men in the first place). He CANNOT be fixed--not by you or anyone else.
I hope for your sake that there are no children to be considered, or if so, they are older. If there are no children or they are already adults, you can sever your ties with this man permanently. If there are children who are minors, be prepared for a custody battle. There are many here who have the war wounds from those court battles. Fortunately for me, that was never an issue and my children are both young adults now and away at school.
You need a GOOD (probably also expensive) divorce attorney. I recommend a male attorney when dealing with these kind of men, but make your own choice. When you meet with him or her, have as much documentation as possible to support your situation. Keep track of bank accounts, credit cards, life insurance, investments, etc. Contact any institution he has removed your name from and let them know that you did not allow for that. I don't believe that he can legally just have your name removed. All questions to discuss with the attorney. You don't need to like the attorney as a person (I certainly didn't like mine), but know that they have the reputation to do a good job for you. Ask around and get names that are well-respected (and feared).
Next you need a good therapist to help you deal with the emotional aspect of what will probably be the most difficult time of your life. My T was my lifeline and helped me so much with how to get the kids as well as myself through the whole ugly mess. He was the one to explain that my x was n, or I never would have understood what had happened or why.
If you are fortunate enough to have supportive family and friends, that can also be a huge asset as well. I had no family to help (other than my kids) and his family totally abandoned me and the kids for the most part. But I did have my friends and they were invaluable during that time.
It has been 3+ years for me since he left and we have been divorced for 1 1/2 years. Our divorce took 18 months to get through, mainly due to his hiding of assets and income. My attorney had to hire a forensic accountant to investigate his business dealings (he is self-employed in a business with his father). I did get a good settlement in mediation because he did not want to have information exposed about things he and his father did to hide income. I am now in a new relationship with a great guy and happier than I've been for many years. There is light at the end of the long dark tunnel.
I wish you well.