Hi there Sea Storm:
I was reading over on your other post and just wanted to say welcome to you and sorry for what brought you here but glad you're here. I hope you will get whatever support you need here.
I have a few comments. Take what helps and leave the rest.
I went through the worst month of my life
The beauty of this is that it can only get better from here on out!! Seriously!
I was heartbroken, shocked and felt betrayed. As I went through our files I discovered that he had been squirreling money away and leaving me to pay all the expenses. So this is pretty aweful.
So sorry this happened Sea Storm.

Who wouldn't feel as you did? Did you find, after your initial reaction, did you find yourself feeling angry with him? I think I would! Dirty lying crook!!

Something tells me I am in for it and I feel scared. He is ruthless and calculating.
People like him feed on fear. Count on it. It fuels them!. It's easy to understand why you feel afraid (who wouldn't ?).
Can you get someone....a family member/friend ....to stay with you for awhile? Sometimes an extra witness will give him a bit of fear? Or at least, decrease his supply for awhile?
This sounds so sordid and aweful. People think oh she must have done something terrible. I feel dreadful about it. Hitting is bad but I think the response was worse.
I don't think you are awful or terrible. I don't believe in hitting for lots of reasons, one being that if I hit, I might get hit back. That's what he did too....he hit you back .....legally! Not what most people would do. Not what anyone with empathy would do, I think. Thank goodness the police are reasonable eh? Did the experience give you more respect for the police? I think it might me.
this is the chaos of living with a N.
Do you see yourself as having choices about this?
I am so trained to stay on his good side because I know he can retaliate with brutal success. He will target my daughter or my job or my sanity. So I am scared.
I don't blame you. I think you're brave too! Also, that it doesn't have to stay like this. It will be scary but worth standing up and moving on.
I knew it was naive to think I could get away with it.
Do you see the ground you've gained? You've stood up for yourself, rather than staying trained and on his good side. He retaliated with brutal success and you still want to separate.
Is there a way you can warn your employer and your daughter? Does he tend to act in "legal" ways, when retaliating? Could you take some legal action yourself? (say....ask for a restraining order/peace bond??). I'm not very informed legally. I think you need to be, so it's good that you've got a lawyer! Another piece of ground you've gained......reaching out for informed help! Excellent! Do you have any other support systems? Someone to talk with in the real world? I hope so.
Keep taking those steps forward Sea Storm! Soon you'll be well on your way!!