Author Topic: Twenty week plan!  (Read 18019 times)


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2007, 02:45:21 PM »
I don't like sabotaging "friends". Yoicks.

you know, it is always friends and loved ones do the sabotaging etc. Never have I had a complete stranger try to ply me with food or drink, or make undermining or difficult comments!

Our loved ones can be quite a source of negativity...

I ignored her, she was being an idiot.


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2007, 08:48:10 AM »

Sounds thoughtless and inconsiderate at the least.  Well done for not sabotaging yourself and honouring you.



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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2007, 02:04:14 PM »
well it's now two months since I started this thread, still on track with the dieting. Have started a refresher course in Spanish for one of my jobs, not been dating but have been out more.

Still no divorce....ex wouldn't complete the final papers with me last weekend. I may have to just do it myself I guess, but I thought it would be easier if we did it together and he feels in control which seems to be very important to him...

He really doesn't see how controlling he is with me, he thinks he is helping and I'll fall apart if he doesn't manage me; it's him who falls apart though, I am just the same: up and down with this mood disorder, always bounce back.

He's funny, I told you he set me an account on my son's computer, you can't believe the problems I have with it, he alters settings, I can't make basic things work some days, I have to go to him for stuff all the time. I told him yesterday I was ordering a laptop, I can use it in the coffee bar.

He has to do my taxes soon too, the last time we joint file, no doubt I'll be in for some criticism there.

It's strange though, all this used to really bother and hurt me because it was so against my hopes and expectations for our it's just more 'red tape' to untangle and move on from.

As much as you can move with someone who goes around in circles...

Anyway, I did sort-of stick to my twenty week plan almost half-way through, and lost more weight, and got through Christmas! Let's focus on the positive....



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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2007, 08:03:36 PM »
GOOD for you Write:
'red tape' to untangle and move on from

These are very healthy thoughts.
And that you have kept even intermittently on track with so many of your personal goals while grieving the losses of recent times is very impressive.

You have such strength, and it's growing right along with you.

This is a hard time, soon after a final separation.
Don't blame yourself for the adjustment bumps and blues.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2007, 11:45:56 PM »
3 more weeks on; it's like keeping a journal to my friends!

Update: ex has completed divorce papers, for some reason I have been too busy to take them to the court. Which I know means more than I am too busy, or I'd cancel something and make time. Not sure what is holding me back...

It may be something to do with the fact I dropped about another 12 lbs and I am now thinner than I have been in years. Coupled with all the exercise and new clothes I had to get I look good I think, and I am getting a lot of attention from guys.

All of whom don't measure up : (
I don't mean to be negative or judgemental, but I am attracted to someone, start to get to know them, then they say or do something which puts me off! I can't seem to get past a certain point because I don't meet anyone I trust as I get to know them, not sure whether I am just attracted to Ns which I've said before, but the latest guy seems that way, I shared with him something I wrote his reply was just like my ex: to be honest I couldn't get beyond the sound quality of the recording! I listened to it myself last week and yes it's not perfect but perfectly audible...he went off about how talented he is and I left.

Why do I always attract people who seem so interested in me but then it turns out to be all about them? was the question in my mind as I drove off...and N may well be the answer!

It feels worse as I have helped him out tons with his work and rather than him being grateful he simply took it for granted then got competitive! It's like the story of my love relationships; none of my friendships ever go this way, I wish I could analyse more closely why I am so off-beam when it comes to picking men for relationships. My guy friends are all lovely.

The taxes got done, and I started guitar lessons. And I've got an interesting social life, lots of outings and friends to enjoy recently.

And I'm tired and lonely and miserable tonight, but just typing all that out made me feel better. I taught a class a song last week:

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me
Think I'll go and eat worms
Long ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones
See how they wriggle and squirm

Think I'll go sing that to myself!

Thanks for listening. I am no use at following the threads right now, but do join this thread anyone who needs some love or support, or PM me.

Love to everyone,



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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2007, 12:04:14 AM »
Make sure you cook the worms or you might get salmonella :)

I have been wanting to say thank you to you write. Because of you, I am exercising and eating a better diet and feeling a lot better. I have made the changes... not for short term, but for life. You were a huge factor in helping me make that leap into the "get your butt out there" zone.

Thank you thank you thank you.

And... YOU GO GIRL!!!!

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2007, 12:07:44 PM »
Hey Write....
So so proud of you that you tabbed that N pronto and got outta there...

I'm just typing some quite "advice" at work, but if you were my good friend which you are, and we were doing a quick update, I'd say, W, hon, next time, don't give your precious time and energy to "HELP" a man so dang much.
If you're meant to be together long term in a healthy relationship, you can help him for decades.
(As you've done with stbx, eh?)

Sure, do the reciprocal gesture now and then. And be your kind seld. That's good and fair even in dating.
But don't move on to becoming the most awesomely sensitive and helpful woman this man has ever met in his life so easily.

Let him, whoever he is, earn a glimpse at your core generosity. If he's smart (and not an N!), he'll sense this is who you are without heroic gestures on your part.

Play in the flow, stay aware of reciprocity. You are doing so bravely well and you're on a collision course with a happy partnership, I'd bet my big toe.

I bet you DO look good right now! You can handle it.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2007, 10:53:38 PM »
I am exercising and eating a better diet and feeling a lot better

well done GS. It makes such a difference doesn't it. My life was never really in balance until I learned to eat properly, and even this week, I got a huge spot which I never get unless I don't eat properly- which I didn't for a couple of days...

It's the best thing I have done, learn to take care of myself the basics.


W, hon, next time, don't give your precious time and energy to "HELP" a man so dang much.

I'm not explaining myself well, we work together on Tuesdays. His assistant walked off the job and when I say helped I mean I stepped in to her position; which me being me ended in me telling him all the things need to change....

I will say this though, he has listened! But I guess he is sulking...he'll get over it. I saw him at church tonight and I didn't think he was N, just a bit muddled and troubled. But his mother just developed an immune disease and he's havign a bad time.

There is an incredible connection between us in one way, but you are right, he has to reciprocate. So let's see what happens next. Nothing probably, I don't think I am quite ready...which is why I side-tracked our growing closeness to be bossy and demanding no doubt.

I booked a therapy session tomorrow, I want to see where this current self-sabotage is coming from/ heading!

It's hard for me not to do what I think is right Hops, since I see him at church, and I am a Christian; he needed help so I gave it. I would have done that even if I didn't like him.

And I do like him, but no drama this time, you are right if he doesn't see who I am for himself then he is not worthy!!!!

Also he has to work on his own 'issues' as you say helping ex turned into 2 decades and he still needs me!

Feeling much more chirpy tonight, work is going so well, I had a lovely girly lunch with two of my favourite friends, and now I'm going tp go snuggle up with my son for a while.

Tomorrow I am playing for a group where a documentary is being filmed; pity about the spot on my chin....

Thanks so much for caring and supporting me. Especially when I don't do much for anyone else lately.

How was your trip Hops?


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2007, 11:08:01 PM »
I follow you're quite clear.
Can I ask one more?

Could there be a hint in "incredible connection"?

I'm not sure what it is, but I have a sense that there's a key in there.

So glad you're tending to so many parts of your life: friends, work, health...

It all sounds hugely healthy and such such progress.

Warms my winter.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2007, 10:46:14 PM »
Could there be a hint in "incredible connection"?

I'm not sure what it is, but I have a sense that there's a key in there.

by that I mean we have a lot in common: neglectful alcoholic mothers on the negative side, music and writing on the positive. And a lot of chemistry.

I am going slowly, and it feels okay, I was mad at him earlier in the week for taking me  for granted in our work and yesterday a Thank You card arrived...

I also have told him about the bipolar, it came out rather positively in terms of- my life is very happy and I only let someone into it who can manage their emotions...

Maybe I can let my guard down a bit and see what happens.

What do you think about the 'incredible connection' thing? I have this with other relationships, many of my friendships are like this too, we 'sense' each other somehow. I think if this doesn't be a romance ( which I am taking slowly because of my illness ) we will be firm friends.

Ex just told me he likes our relationship more now. I can hear him downstairs laughing with our son. He's still a bit depressed but the a/d s have kicked in.

Better go. Hope everyone is okay, let me know anyone who has thoughts on the 'incredible connection' comment!


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2007, 07:21:42 AM »
"incredible connection"

I agree, I think that was a revealing comment.  There are connotations there.  When I heard that it reminded me of the heightened emotions I felt with my first emotional affair.  And in my case, that incredible connection is something I still don't understand.  It was five years ago now.  It was with a person I was very attracted to.  He was half my age.  There were little to no boundaries for me with him at that time.  Unfortunately, I probably will never understand what was going on with him.  So, it turned out to be more of a turning point for me or a stage of (very painful) growth rather than a mutual relationship.  Perhaps he had a lack in him that was compatible with a lack in me.  I've heard somewhere that this kind of attraction occurs when both people are at the same developmental stage.  When both are in need of the same things???  I will probably wonder about it the rest of my life.  This was a person I probably would have run away with.  Thrown caution to the wind.  It was also a person who brought out the best parts of me.  Reminded me of who I might have become if my life hadn't gone the way it did.  That's a belief I have, no reason to really think that I might have become my "real" self under different or better circumstances.  But that's what got tapped into.

I think he reminded me of many things that were or are going on deep inside of me.  As for what I brought out in him, probably it was just testosterone.  That's what I tell myself now.  That is not what I believed then.

What do I believe now?  That I have a particular path in this life and it is not necessarily a path I would have put at the top of my list.   But I don't choose at this time to struggle against that.  Perhaps I am not ready yet for the path I would have chosen.  Perhaps it would have been a disaster for me to run away with him.  And he didn't want that anyway.  So, it's not even a real issue.  Just a learning experience on my part, maybe on his part too.  I will always wonder about that.

So, that's my current observation on the concept of "incredible connection".  I believe in them, have had a couple myself, but don't understand them particularly well.  Probably I'm just not evolved enough. So, now I concentrate on the evolution part of my life.  Maybe at some future point I will know what to do with future incredible connections.  I hope so anyway.  Losing that one from five years ago--it still feels like a huge loss to me.  But I'm pretty well used to working around that now.

I'm interested to see what others know about such things.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon

Gaining Strength

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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2007, 07:57:54 AM »
3 more weeks on;

WRITE what an incredible commitment you made and have stuck to.  I am so proud of you.  You put it out there in public at a difficult time of year and in a difficult time of life and you have stuck to it.  If you can do that (which you clearly can) you can do anything.  How I admire you!!!

Whatever you decide about your "incredible connection" be sure to protect your work life.  I have all confidence that you will make the right decisions.  As you make small steps make sure you protect your life as if something didn't work out - how would it feel at church, at work.  Then you know if the risk is worth it.  You have good antennae and while there may be red flags, if you proceed with protection then go ahead and enjoy that warm feeling.  - your friend - Gaining Strength


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #42 on: February 09, 2007, 08:18:50 AM »

Well done for taking care of yourself with your diet, exercise etc.

I am on the same track as CB -- incredible connection - to me spells danger.  Sorry, maybe its just where I am right not but I know if I walked into a room and felt that connection with a man my guess would be that he is an N.  I think the background thing also gave me the shivers......... sounds like XN and I.  Just be careful please.  I know the wonderful feeling of that "connection" and how hard it is to stay safe around it but that is what I am trying to learn here.  What does that connection mean, can it be a good thing, is it me unconsciously recognising the damage and drama....... maybe I am reading all sorts of things into it but please take care of you Write.  You have done such amazing work.  Stay posted with us.

xxx axa


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #43 on: February 09, 2007, 04:48:40 PM »
it turned out to be more of a turning point for me or a stage of (very painful) growth rather than a mutual relationship.  Perhaps he had a lack in him that was compatible with a lack in me.  I've heard somewhere that this kind of attraction occurs when both people are at the same developmental stage.  When both are in need of the same things???

thanks Pennyplant. I think we are both very much at the same stage- ready to move on after healing from a divorce, building music/writing careers, and also the same level of residual emotions from the early childhood experiences ( strong but no longer limiting )

It is interesting to bump into someone who has all these same factors, and I have grown a lot just in dealing with all the things we said to each other so far and in not falling into a fantasy relationship ( for a change )

That's where I usually go about this point- develop a strong unrequited crush and sabotage any actual relationship!

I'm not as afraid as I was, that's for sure.

anybody incredibly connected with me right now would be trying to caretake or else they would be sizing me up as N-meat.  I just know that I'm not in a good place for a romantic relationship.  Although, I would probably be tempted take the bait anyway.    Brand new romantic relationships are such great mood-enhancers!

I agree CB, we attract people who are complimentary to where we're at emotionally, so being in a good place to start is essential.

Is he N? I don't know. He's a bit arrogant, insensitive in that way sensitive people can be when they are blinded to the bigger picture sometimes, and he's very competetive.

If he were N I suspect he'd be trying to charm me more, trying to start a relationship more, trying to get his own way.

There is quite an ebb and flow going between us of moving closer, backing off and responding to each other doing the same.

I don't think I have a cynical bone in me these days, by the way. The difficult things happen and I am taking care of business. I have never felt so strong and calm.

This man has awoken feelings in me so deep, yet I can envisage a future without him! ( smile ) If it doesn't work out, it wasn'tmeant to be. When he hurt my feelings about the music I showed him he had but without rancour and pointed out his competetiveness and he saw it; he was much more humble the next day and took care to compliment my piano skills after a rehearsal where he heard me play properly for the first time!

By the way, I have gotten this jealousy response a number of times with that particular set of compositions, I listened to it again today and it is rather good ( despite the sound quality! ) It takes a high level of maturity I think to be pleased when someone does something creative. I am lucky, it's years since I felt jealous and anyway- I know the downside to where this creativity comes from....

be sure to protect your work life.  I have all confidence that you will make the right decisions.  As you make small steps make sure you protect your life as if something didn't work out - how would it feel at church, at work.  Then you know if the risk is worth it.  You have good antennae and while there may be red flags, if you proceed with protection then go ahead and enjoy that warm feeling.  - your friend - Gaining Strength

thanks GS, one of the reasons I have been proceeding slowly is we work together and go to church together and I think we both want to know how we will handle things if a relationship doesn't work out.

But I made a great friendship with ex, and my last crush I see him again at a rehearsal every week and I think I can cope. I'm not much for drama now.

I didcut the guy off when he started to ask me out a few days ago because he started saying he doesn't like his private life public; well he'll have to rethink that with me...I am as open as anyone and anyway people are already starting to look at us and I'm sure think we are an item. Not that I would want to tell everyone the things which are private- but musicians are prominent and I'm not sneaking about either!

he's funny though, when we do a good church performance he will often smile at me and he so often hugs me and no one else or will be staring at could he think people will not notice? Even I notice and I am usually oblivious...

I know if I walked into a room and felt that connection with a man my guess would be that he is an N.  I think the background thing also gave me the shivers......... sounds like XN and I.  Just be careful please.

yes, that is my main concern too- it certainly is a component of my attraction with people, I just love talented and 'out there' guys and so many are N tendency.

I'm not as afraid of N as I was though- if he turns out to be N I know now the limitations of that relationship and won't waste much time trying to make it work.

please take care of you Write

thanks axa, and all of you, I see you are all saying this and I agree, and I will take care of me. But also I have been sayign for over a year that I want a new relationship and at some point I will have to overcome my fears and try one...maybe the first really real one of my life.

The reason we pick Ns is about them and what they hook us in with; the reasons we stay are our own.

I think by stayign in a long term relationship with a narcissist I was

1.) avoiding my deep fear of intimacy


2.) deflecting my own bipolar issues onto someone else.

This man may well just be another stage in my development away from that....


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Re: Twenty week plan!
« Reply #44 on: February 09, 2007, 09:45:17 PM »

Hi Write,
I'm glad others posted here...I did feel that "incredible connection" might be a red flag. I think because it's not followed with anecdotes about caring, but about reactions, his and yours. I don't like to rain on anyone's hopeful parade, but to me, his reactions don't sound good. They don't sound emotionally healthy or safe. Yours, honestly, sound to me like interpretations that put him in a very rosy light that may not be realistic, or...make excuses for possibly strong negatives.

I completely understand the attraction to creative men. I have spent most of my life either in or crawling out of a stand of rosy self-eelusion. dI just am concerned. You've only been single such a very short while. We don't have to choose spuds vs. sparkles...somewhere in between is a steady light.

This may be silly but I thought perhaps I'd color-code my response! Red is for what I see as a bodes-badly sign of who he could be in a longterm intimate relationship. Pink I see as possibly self-deluding notions that you' have or will "change/d him", and orange are what I see as excuses or rationalizations for behaviors that I think are inherent to who he is.

He may be a perfectly good human being, of course. But he might not be a good mate, you know?

a bit arrogant, insensitive in that way sensitive people can be when they are blinded to the bigger picture sometimes, and he's very competetive.

he hurt my feelings about the music

he was much more humble the next day and took care to compliment my piano skills after a rehearsal where he heard me play properly
By the way, I have gotten this jealousy response a number of times

It takes a high level of maturity I think to be pleased when someone does something creative 

[I disagree. I think plenty of creative or simply unselfish people have no trouble at all being pleased at someone else's creativity]

 he started saying he doesn't like his private life public; well he'll have to rethink that

he will often smile at me and he so often hugs me and no one else
[not sure what this means except that if you're getting intimate it is ordinary ... not "incredible"]

This may all be absurd, dear Write, and maybe I should be put to bed with my crayons!
But if it helps you in any way, then it's worth it.

(I identify a whole lot with some of your man-patterns. I think that's why I'm looking so closely.)

« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 09:47:34 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."