Avery, I am trying really hard to ignore Portia's anting to go back into it, but I can't. I remember Jacmac said in her last post on that thread, and I want to shout now, PORTIA WHY CAN"T YOU LEAVE AVERY ALONE! She'll talk to you when and if she's ready. Sorry Avery, I have no right to speak for you and I'm not wanting to create a position for you, but I just have worried so much about you. My personal opinion is that I didn't find you overly-empathetic, just concerned about others too, and the world needs more of that, not less. The balls in your court to talk to talk or not talk to me or anyone whenever you want. And it should be left there. Now I've said that it's out of the way, and I hope it stays there.
Avery are you still with that therapist who you were struggling with breaking from. I've thought a lot about the therapist's who empathise and the therapists who come on all knowing about our lives. The professionals who sometimes unintentionally put us down and generalise without taking the time to get to know us.
Have you got a new one, none at all or are you still with the same one? I was wondering how it's all going for you?