work hard to please others
I try to be polite, reasonable and supportive of others, and I feel good when I do this. However, I'm probably still more oriented toward filling other's emotional needs than my own. It's easy to forget it's a two-way street.
defer to other’s opinions
I might do this to avoid an argument or even a debate, which I don't really enjoy. I find conflict extremely stressful, so I avoid extended argument by mirroring the other, then changing the subject. If this doesn't work I may leave. Sometimes it makes me feel very anxious to be asked my opinion, especially when I know it's going to conflict with the prevailing values in a group.
worry about how others think and feel about them
This can be excruciating, often taking the form of obsessing over a social interaction: Was I unfair or unpleasant to them? If so, should I feel guilty for harming them emotionally? Are they going to retaliate? Did I humiliate myself, lower my social status? Do they now have the upper hand? etc.
are often depressed or anxious
Anxiety and depression are the ground of my being. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I just try to concentrate on the foreground, and whatever I can do that is positive.
find it hard to know their own views and experience
This one is touch and go. If I'm on the spot, feeling threatened, this ability tends to waver, fragment or disappear. I have experienced people using this as a weapon, to have something to argue with, so I may simply clam up and present a smooth surface.
take the blame for interpersonal problems
Not sure about this one, depends on many factors. Sometimes think I blame my FOO too much, sometimes not enough. On good days, I try to stay away from blaming altogether, as I don't like a punitive worldview.
fear being considered selfish if they act assertively
More a generalized terror of appearing at all, because then I present a target. I can be assertive, and I can feel great pride and satisfaction with it if I do it appropriately, but I pay for it with an underground, chronic fear of retaliation.