Author Topic: Anyone want to CHAT live?  (Read 1394 times)

Gaining Strength

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Anyone want to CHAT live?
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:11:52 AM »
I have been going to a forum on under General Anxiety Disorder.  It is not a very well attended place but there is a chat room there that is used only for 1 hour on Wednesday nights.  I was wondering if anyone from here would like to meet me there for a live chat.

I woke up this morning not wanting to cope with everything on my plate.  I tried to conjure up a positive image in my mind to help me get going to face the day and the future.  I really couldn't.  Then I started thinking about how I feel heard, understood, supported and encouraged here.  All through the holiday I have come here over and over and this morning I understood why, because I feel supported.  I know I can lay out my fears and failures and someone will hug me and help me find a solution or just listen and pat my back.  I have never had that in my life.  I really want to chat with some of my friends here. 

Can any of you meet me at - gereralized anxiety disorder forum tonight at 8 or 9 Central Standard Time?  When you get to the page you press the chat button in the upper right hand corner. 

I hope some of you will meet me for a live chat. - Gaining Strength


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Re: Anyone want to CHAT live?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 09:29:00 AM »
I would like to chat live with you, but probably won't be able to tonight.  Is it open any other time?

Gaining Strength

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Re: Anyone want to CHAT live?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2006, 09:41:46 AM »
ReallyMe, I'm so glad you are interested.
I'm open for anytime.  Give a suggestion and lets see if anyone else wants to join. 

Thanks - Gaining Strength


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Re: Anyone want to CHAT live?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2006, 01:34:11 PM »
I am likely to be buried in my paperwork battle, the new job starts tomorrow.
I don't want you to go there hoping to connect in case I can't make it.

But thank you for the invitation, sincerely.

May I ask how that feels different? I've never done the chat thing. Is it feeling more present with people because there's no lag time?

I am sorry you've having a rough day, hon.
I have thought so very often about how much support you've given me.

I am very very grateful.

Hops (PS--please post the time you decide on, I'm case you do organize it. Just in case.)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: Anyone want to CHAT live?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2006, 03:08:49 PM »
The only difference is that you get quick responses and so you can
carry on a conversation rather than post and wait hours or days for
a post. 

If anyone else expresses interest i will definitely let you know.

My day is not so bad as it feels.  But what you are reading from me
is what happens when I gear up for another spate of breaking down
old barriers.  It seems to control me rather than the other way around.

It is unpleasant but it is better than the alternative. - Gaining Strength