The thought occurs to me this morning, that if someone took the time to read what I've posted here, which is the truth, then at least they know that others are reading my story, and maybe just maybe (wishful thinking), being that the people responsible have read the truth of what I shared, they might either change or at least think twice before wounding another. I do know that the worst thing a person can do when there is an abuse cycle involved, is to keep silent (unless they are in physical danger should they speak up).
My Bible tells me not to "fear what mancan do, who can destroy the body, but to "fear" God who can destroy both body and soul in hell." (in other words, I do not live my life voiceless and fearful of these types of people, nor will I apologize for something I did NOT do, unless GOD tells me to."
and, since my name was already mentioned, I no longer have to remain anonymous either.