I always felt as though I was sitting alone on a swing in a beautiful garden but there was light horror music playing in the background. It did not match and it was damned scary
This is so evocative of what you went through, Lib. I can relate. Perfect home, appearances, manners, and a sense in the child of something being horribly wrong. Errgh.
Your letter was a heroic effort to be heard. She's not capable.
You say that all you want is for her to leave you alone.
Well, you can't control her. She may try to call you every five minutes for as long as she breathes.
The thing you CAN control is to use the relationship to examine your bottom line, decide how much compassion you wish to show and how you'll maintain detachment. The biggest thing is, you get to practice setting boundaries with her, for as long as you chooose to.
Since I share a house with my Nish mother, I have had a great deal of practice in this. What I've observed is that setting a boundary isn't completely useless. In my experience when it's a NEW boundary, Nish Mom will test it over and over and over. Just as when I was raising a toddler, I do have to repeat it over and over and over. After some time (and in some cases a looooooooooong) time, she accepts it.
The key has been, I think, that I have to commit to that new boundary. The moment I go back on myself and ingnore it, we're back at the word Go, and I have to start the retraining her cycle all over again. But once I incorporate that boundary into a
routine thing I say or do for my own well-being, and do it consistently from now on until it becomes (it really does) a natural behavior...then things with her do change.
Only because I've changed my half of the equation. The outcome has to be different in some way when that happens.
good lluck, keep sharing...