Author Topic: The dance  (Read 2473 times)


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The dance
« on: December 18, 2006, 05:05:06 AM »
Hi All

It has been five days since i threw N out.  Today I woke up feeling easy and excited about my life.  The weight of his depression and games is no longer on my shoulders.

The years we have been together have been full of lies, deceipt, manipulation.  He has changed from the charming funny guy to someone who will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to get what he wants.  Sometimes I think that he created madness to watch me fall from a place of stability.  I had become a pleading, frightened, appeasing child around him.  WAiting on his reactions and moods to determine how my day would be.  Over the past year I have not had the energy to collude with him and would challenge him to the end which meant taking all of my energy and suffering his wrath.

I know he saw my vulnerability early on and made a plan of which I was a part.  Needless to say the plan had absolutly nothing to do with my needs.  The trap I kept falling into was that he would admit to some of his trangressions and I saw this as growth on him part.  The truth was that he quickly realised that this was a very powerful weapon he possessed.  I would be lulled into a false sense of sercurity and believe we were making progress.  But it was meaningless. 

On my part I gave awary so much.  I have ended up unemployed with little money.  He is very wealthy.  But I feel a hell of a lot richer than him.  He has gone back to his ex who is broken and totally dependant on him.  I see that he has idealised her now so I take on the role of the devalued one.  I am the hysterical demanding woman who is never satisfied..........

One of his kids, who used to be very close to me, but cut off contact in the last month sent me a message on friday.  I know he was behind this as he manipulates her.  On my answering machine there was a "non message" from him......could hear him coughing.  This is to let me know he is still there.  The purpose of these contacts is to keep me  hooked in but I recognise this thank God.

It has been very hard for me to see the monster behind the mask.  The mistake I made time and time again is to listen to the words and not match them with his actions.  I guess the reality of the situation is this. 


played mind games
disappointed me
let me down
was unreliable
set me up so that he could knock me down
tried to buy me
raged at me
groomed me

and then told me he LOVED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

My part is that I stayed for all of this.  I could see it but choose to ignore it.

At this stage I am more interested in looking at my part.  My collusion. I need to accept that I was nothing other than a source of supply for him and in this there is some freedom.  It is as if the reality of the situation is emerging slowly.  I do not care how he is, though I am sure he if fine, as he has a nice little plan in place.  I am, for the first time in a long time, more interesed in myself and my survival.  I see that unless I change I will end up in the same mess again.

I read recently it is when you add something to reality you feel pain.  This for me is so true.  I added so much to him.  It would have been unbearable to see the truth of him so I couched it in words like his pain, damage, woundedness etc.  And yes he does have all of these things but that is not enough to justify his viciousness.  I too have pain, damage etc but I do not try and drive those around me crazy.  I do not lie, cheat, abuse etc and this is the difference.  I have been so angry with him and for this I am sorry because it was my anger.  I stayed in there dancing with him.  He got so much supply from the dance.  I am not proud of my behaviour but in some ways it was my anger that released me from the madness.  I told him the problem with us was that I was holding up a mirror for  him which in anger he agreed with and told me he did not want to see what was in the mirror.  This I think was true.

So now he is back with ex who is so broken and beaten down by the world she will collude with him and give him plenty of supply as she needs him financially and is incapable of working.

I thank God for my clarity.  I have so much work to do but at least now I have energy for myself and my world has come back to me and it is free of abuse.

Thank you for your support



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Re: The dance
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2006, 06:30:14 PM »
Bravo!!!! I admire your courage and clarity. The part that resounds with me the most is:


played mind games
disappointed me
let me down
was unreliable
set me up so that he could knock me down
tried to buy me
raged at me
groomed me

and then told me he LOVED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

My part is that I stayed for all of this.  I could see it but choose to ignore it.

This is such a good description of toxic love. Thanks so much for your post.



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Re: The dance
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 04:27:58 AM »
Thank you for your words of support.

I was so thrown by his visit yesterday.  At least the tears did not work on me this time.  But how do I get rid of him.  I do I make him see that I want nothing to do with him.  After an interaction with him it feels like he goes away satisfied again, I guess he gets his supply.  I called his sister yesterday and she put it in a word "toxic"  That is what he is nothing more and nothing less. 

What I am angry about is that he still can unbalance me.  I felt so good and am going to work on that feeling again today.  I really wish he was dead and this was all over. 



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Re: The dance
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2006, 07:44:27 AM »
What courage, clarity, honesty...I am blown away.
And CB, love your phrase about crashing through the door...

Axa, how do you get rid of him. Hmm. I don't know what the visit was about, whether he just dropped in on you to weep and manipulate?

But I do think you have a right to not unlock your door, to screen your calls, and to generally ignore him untiil he goes away (he will--when supply is not forthcoming after a while Ns give up and go find a more willing source).

If he drops by unannounced, you can simply leave him a message that you do not want to be visited and will not be opening the door. (If he has a key, change the locks!) Screen calls and do not email.

No contact is probably the best way.

You are almost entirely unhooked. Soon you will be all the way clear.

Congratulations on your sanity, on reclaiming your own life. That is huge. HUGE.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The dance
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2006, 08:13:46 AM »
Hi Hop,

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH  I called him and very clearly told him I wanted no contact.  I said as far as I was concerned he was dead and I wanted him to think of me dead.  He knows he has a personality disorder so I suggested he read the literature and realise that I was not supply any longer.  I asked him why he came down with the painting. Oh because I would not post a painting.  Seems he has more respect for art than me!!!!  I told him in a very calm voice that I wanted him to sleep with ex.  I wanted him to have sex with her every night. I wanted him to stay with her until the day he died.  His reply "you are saying all of this to punish me, don't worry I won't stalk you"  Who is the bloody victim here............ he thinks it is him because i will not allow his abuse any longer. 

He is crazy and contact with him unnerves me and throws me off balance to such a degree that he still has some power over me.  I am devouring the literature on NPD to keep myself in touch with the reality of the situation.  I also told him that I realised that I was an object as his ex is and that we are interchangable so I know the game.  I want to scream and shout and part of me realises that that is giving him power.  I need to delete him from my memory or else just remember the bad times.........and boy were there plenty of them. 

Anyone out there who prays say one for me I need them right now.




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Re: The dance
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2006, 08:24:00 AM »
This is good, Axa, very good:

I am devouring the literature on NPD to keep myself in touch with the reality of the situation.

Your anger makes so much sense. The hitch is: sharing it with him is supply.

But you are moving through the transition. I remember an amazing fury when an old N with whom I was flat-out obsessed rejected me. It was quite Nish of me, in hindsight. Still, I understand the rage.

The good thing is angry women are not victims.

I think you'd help yourself most if you enforce the no contact rule. It is addictive, that kind of relationship, and you are like someone who has quit smoking.

KEEP GOING. And can you find a ftf outlet to talk to, to vent with regularly, so you don't feel that kind of unconscious swamped-like yearning, that lures you to lean in toward him for some of that ooooold "intimacy"?

Remember, even though you probably know him better than anyone, that isn't intimacy. Healthy intimacy is based in reciprocity, respect, mature sharing, honesty, etc.

He flunked. You may not be giving yourself an A, either. But that's okay.

Forgive yourself as fast as you can. Eventually, you'll forgive him too. (But you don't need to report how you're feeling to him. You don't need to tell him anything.)

You know? Dramatic death wishes are understandable. You're that scared of backsliding.

You WON'T. You've smelled freedom, Axa.

Keep being involved in YOUR new life. Get as interested in what you're doing as possible. If that's hard, then pile on the distractions for a while. Anything to keep from obsessing.

It takes the time it takes. And nobody, nobody, nobody, does it perfectly. Demolition is rough work.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The dance
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2006, 08:47:16 AM »
Hi hops,

You are right.  I went in there with more supply.  I see that I have some sort of addicition to his crazy making.  As soon as I put down the phone this moring I felt better.  Part of me says it was because I took control.  I told him to get lost but there is some nagging thing about me hearing his stupid pathetic voice. 

Saying I want him dead is like saying I want him to disappear and let me get on with my life.  Can I change that to I want to be in a place whereby if I ever see him I feel nothing.  Where my life is joyful enough that what he does or does not do makes no difference whatsoever.  That is where I want to be.  That is the work I need to do.

I have been looking outside of myself for happiness and always in N relationships.  I have suffered enough in them I want out big time.  Oh I know it goes back to nurturing yourself, loving yourself but I struggle so much with that.  I want to be rescued.  I have posted before about this but it is still with me.  The bloody Prince!!!!!

I have such good friends and people who really care about me and I have moved away from them trying to satisfy the insatiable needs of an abusive narcissist.  I think it all comes back to yourself.  I hold my hands up.  I went in there.  I put up with the bull.  I put up with everything.  Even when he had sex with his x I took him back.  Why, because he was not well, he was depressed and having a breakdown.  Funny thing, never thought of this before, if I was having a breakdown the last thing I would want is sex with anyone............Duh.......... I know if I had thought of this at the time I would have discussed it with him and he would have twisted it.  It would have been my fault.  If I had been more understanding.......blah .... he would not h ave done it.  What a sick pig he is.

Sorry for all the ranting but I am so annoyed.

Thanks for your time and comments.............. honest, helpful and real.
