hi everyone, i am new to this forum, i wonder if anyone could relate to whats on my heart so heavily right now...
I am/was an oldest daughter, i have a sister who is two years younger,.. i am 26...anyhow... our parents were both N type people, i was chosen to be my mothers favorite and my sister was chosen to be my fathers favorite, but the battle lines were never fixed in that warring household. father would complain about mother to me, and then mother would complain about father to me, all in secrecy, .. i wonder if they expected a 2 or 3 or 4 yr old, to be their support center. When my mom was mad at my dad, she hurt my sister. when he was mad at her, he hurt me, and this went on, in both of our lives... its not nesary to tell anymore.. but.. long story short, my sister is reliving the abuse from childhood, with living with an abusive man, her boys,.. im sad over her boys becasue they are taking on the same roles i knew well.. but.. dunno.. maybe this is to much to share for a first time post...my mother still manipuakltes me, denies my voice,. i have to carefully choose my words, to know how to comfoprt her and enourage her and be her scape goat, in a sense, ive had to learn to be responsible for her and i often feel so much older inside than i can describe...ive had to use reasoning in place of feeling, in a way its been a good thing, becasue i am very intelligent.. but it wasntw orth it to me, to be an adult still looking for love and acceptance,,, looking for encouragemnt.. i have chosen to stay single becasue its safe that way.. i wont continue the cycle in my life...anyone have suggestions how i can get my mom to see i cant be her counselor naymore? i tried to tell her and she was hateful, like.. she is nice and mollified if i serve the purpose she has melded me to fulfill, but if i say anything she doenst like, she is hateful, .. she hasnt hit me since i was 18, but she likes to use silence, to punish me, sarcasm and hate speech.,within the last few months, she expressed it in hateful twisted word emails. i kinda really feel stuck becasue i really belive she has been stringing me along promising me to help get my drivers liscnse all this time, becuase she must feel like she has to be needed,... and when im in teh car with her i feel trapped.. i go to school fulltime now, i use the bus for that but i have serious proboems with my legs and cant walk too far.. when im going to school, i walk 20 mins to bustop everymorning.. thats a lot,,., i use dto be able to juist walk everywhere i wanted to go and that was freeing. I was living on my own, when iw as rasing my sisters oldest son, from age 5 months to almost 3, before she got him back and i couoldnt see my neophew anymore.. then i moved in with my great aunt, i live unde rthe same roof but we have seperate lives. she dienst bug me an di dont bug her. So its like living alone. I would like to wlak to do the things i need to do, and use the buses more, but i cant do that now.. i may need surgery again.. anyway,, sorry if i said too much.. i dont want to bother anyone...