axa : Anytime I have contact with him I feel as someone has soiled themselves on me. That is about as nicely as I can put it. As far as I can see the contact gives them a buzz be it positive or negative.
First of all, I can soooooooooooo relate to what you say here. I want to give you further validation of the second part of what you said too:
I heard later from someone in Jodi's life that was another source of NS for her, that she would sit on the computer, watching to see when I came on, and say to that NS person " Watch! in just a little while, RM will message me." (then apparently I did), and then Jodi would say "See? told watch this..." and she would proceed to type certain things to get me to respond certain ways, and tell NS exactly what I'd do next, and, of course, true to form of any person in their web, I did exactly that!
It was just as you said...Jodi seemed to get a BUZZ out of the fact that I was so "into" her, needed her attention so bad. The NS person told me later, after Jodi replaced her with the next NS, that, while Jodi was doing that, she often wanted to tell me "RM DO NOT WRITE TO JODI! PLEASE DO NOT WRITE TO HER! SHE IS JUST SITTING HERE WAITING FOR YOU TO FALL INTO HER TRAP!" (something along those lines anyway)
Now, that's strange enough in itself, but then Jodi would go into a deep depression over whatever I said to her, and start ranting to people about how I just drove her NUTS! finally, NS told her "just STOP TALKING TO RM IF SHE BUGS YOU. WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF?" but it didn't seem to stop her...she somehow THRIVED on this sort of "cat n mouse" online game with me.
Just part of their dysfunctional, controlling, manipulative world I guess.