Author Topic: No contact again!!!!!  (Read 2071 times)


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No contact again!!!!!
« on: December 19, 2006, 08:30:03 AM »

Ok guys.  I want to share a truth from my encounter yesterday with N.  The only thing that works is NO CONTACT.  They are like a virus looking for a host to dump their anxiety and negativity.  And like a virus they are all pervasive.  I decided to look at XN........yes he is X like this.  He came to me yesterday to check t hat I was still hooked in.  He wanted to leave some of his poison here and drive into the sunset feeling better.  He achieved this.

Anytime I have contact with him I feel as someone has soiled themselves on me.  That is about as nicely as I can put it.  As far as I can see the contact gives them a buzz be it positive or negative.  They are reflected by the other persons pain, grief, loss etc and somehow this seems to build them up.  I am very bad at keeping my mouth shut and that is why I have to go the NO CONTACT route.  I get hooked in so easily, explaining, trying to make him understand etc.  If I can keep the picture in my head that I am nothing other than a drug to him and he does not care who supplys the drug I can feel more real and grounded.

There is something in me that has stayed with the contact.  My inability to see that he did not SEE me astonishs me.  He can see no one.  He is so NPD. 

Some of you seem to be able to hold yourselves around the Ns in your lives but I get hooked in so easily.  I need to go cold turkey.  Its hard but I know its the only way for me.  At least when I have no contact I can get some peace and push him out of my head.  Today I have posted a number of times because of the contact.  It does my head in.

Wish it was different............hang on a second, I need to stop wishing and making it different.

xxxxxxxxxxx to all who have been so kind in replying to my posts.



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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2006, 09:39:04 AM »
axa : Anytime I have contact with him I feel as someone has soiled themselves on me.  That is about as nicely as I can put it.  As far as I can see the contact gives them a buzz be it positive or negative.

First of all, I can soooooooooooo relate to what you say here.  I want to give you further validation of the second part of what you said too:

I heard later from someone in Jodi's life that was another source of NS for her, that she would sit on the computer, watching to see when I came on, and say to that NS person  " Watch!  in just a little while, RM will message me."  (then apparently I did), and then Jodi would say "See?  told watch this..." and she would proceed to type certain things to get me to respond certain ways, and tell NS exactly what I'd do next, and, of course, true to form of any person in their web, I did exactly that!

It was just as you said...Jodi seemed to get a BUZZ out of the fact that I was so "into" her, needed her attention so bad.  The NS person told me later, after Jodi replaced her with the next NS, that, while Jodi was doing that, she often wanted to tell me "RM DO NOT WRITE TO JODI!  PLEASE DO NOT WRITE TO HER!  SHE IS JUST SITTING HERE WAITING FOR YOU TO FALL INTO HER TRAP!" (something along those lines anyway)

Now, that's strange enough in itself, but then Jodi would go into a deep depression over whatever I said to her, and start ranting to people about how I just drove her NUTS!  finally, NS told her "just STOP TALKING TO RM IF SHE BUGS YOU.  WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF?"  but it didn't seem to stop her...she somehow THRIVED on this sort of "cat n mouse" online game with me.

Just part of their dysfunctional, controlling, manipulative world I guess.



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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 09:43:40 AM »
It seems to me that is just what it is a cat and mouse game.  The sound of this rings so true.  Lots of baiting, lots of traps and this mouse fell for everyone of them.  Need to grow some claws!!!



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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2006, 10:39:35 AM »
axa ,

He would behave differently if you were not alone with him ....................

never be alone with him

slowly then you will be stronger and stronger

And be on your way

love to you



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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2006, 10:46:59 AM »
Hi Moonlight,

I dont think he will bother me again.  I feel sure he got the message.  He is now basking in the bosom of his "family".  Sometimes I think it was all just a set up to get her back as he said "living with her was so much easier than you".  I am not afraid.  Once he knows there is no supply here I am sure he will disappear.  Hope I am not being stupid here but I do think I know that much about him.  Been wrong before but what the heck feel a bit lighter having spent so much time posting here today.

And love to you too.



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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2006, 12:00:19 PM »


They sure are but old sitting duck here was waiting.  Did not know it but I was. 

Today has been really tough for me in many ways and so inspiring.  How can I thank you all for the learning.  Each post I read moves me on another piece of the road.

To everyone here thank you



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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2006, 12:23:19 AM »
A little book called Don't Call That Man helped me when I was in the grip of contact with exN a few years back...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2006, 05:58:13 AM »

Today I feel good and I feel lucky.  About contact, I get a shiver when I think of him.  It is as if the mist is clearing and I do not want to see or speak to him.  Breaking my addiction of contact will be difficult until I KNOW within myself the pain and sorrow it causes me.

It is very difficult to accept the fact that someone you loved never cared for you.  I have no desire to be part of the drama right now and pray that this will stay with me.



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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2006, 07:43:59 AM »
Hi Axa,
Maybe you could think about that shiver as the involuntary chill your body experiences when it's fighting a bacteria or toxin...

It is a fight.

The life force will insist that you win it no matter what excuses your mind comes up with. I have complete faith in you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No contact again!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2006, 07:58:49 AM »
Hi Hop,

Thank you.  Love the contact with you.......... good and healthy.

Interestingly enough XN worked in the medical field and was an expert on bacteria virus etc...... I remember how careful he was in avoiding the germs......... got to take a leaf out of his book.  Thank you teacher!
