OHHHHHHhhh Guys,
The thought of my daughter skipping for joy in heave just sent the tears flowing. She is, I just know she is. And boy would she kick his sorry butt!!! I can just imagine her.
I think I hung on in there because I had N parents who were extemely angry people. I tried to make things right for them and could not. I failed them and somewhere in my child's mind I felt responsible. I think revisiting N relationships was a punishment for my failure around my parents. I see this quite clearly now. I have been punished enough, by myself and Ns. I feel it is time to move on from the dysfuncition and claim some of the love in the world.
Christmas was ok. No stress though I do find the materialism of it all too much. I think next year I will take some time out and go somewhere where there is less show and more sense of the real meaning of christmas.