ok, I again will not point this at the person it applies to, but I will say this, I feel angry that you have come to this board proclaiming yourself the VICTIM when it was ME that you victimized...ooooooooo you are narcissistically smooth ________!~ I pray that one day your sin DOES find you out and that you come here and admit to these dear people EXACTLY what you've been doing, trying to sway them into seeing YOU as such a hero and others as your persecutors!
I can honestly say that using scriptures and playing victim is LOWER than you've ever gone before. In time, I will forgive you for this, but right now I'm just plain ANGRY and feel VIOLATED all over again. I'm sure you are sitting there grinning and rolling your eyes and pointing my response out to the person who took my place, saying "see? look how this affects her" and then laughing that phony laugh you do. Bravo such a wonderful representation of the God you claim to serve and whose heart you claim to have.
Right now all I can say is may FATHER forgive you and point out TRUTH about yourself to you.