Author Topic: I feel Angry...going to express it here  (Read 1777 times)


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I feel Angry...going to express it here
« on: December 27, 2006, 01:32:33 PM »
ok, I again will not point this at the person it applies to, but I will say this, I feel angry that you have come to this board proclaiming yourself the VICTIM when it was ME that you victimized...ooooooooo you are narcissistically smooth ________!~  I pray that one day your sin DOES find you out and that you come here and admit to these dear people EXACTLY what you've been doing, trying to sway them into seeing YOU as such a hero and others as your persecutors!

 I can honestly say that using scriptures and playing victim is LOWER than you've ever gone before.  In time, I will forgive you for this, but right now I'm just plain ANGRY and feel VIOLATED all over again.  I'm sure you are sitting there grinning and rolling your eyes and pointing my response out to the person who took my place, saying "see?  look how this affects her" and then laughing that phony laugh you do.  Bravo such a wonderful representation of the God you claim to serve and whose heart you claim to have.

Right now all I can say is may FATHER forgive you and point out TRUTH about yourself to you.



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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2006, 01:45:09 PM »

What does it matter what "they" say what does it prove?????That maybe n's like to play mind games

N's do not feel empathy or intimacy they think everyone is just like them

All that matters is what you think of you.

There is no swaying of the people on the board no win or lose

just how you feel about yourself. 8)

love and hugs to you



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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2006, 05:10:33 PM »

 My gut says that Ns love supply and attention.  I think there is a lot in what moonlight said.  Each of us here, as far as I can see, is working towards healing the hurt in our lives.  We cannot control others, how they respond or see us all we can do is struggle on our own journey.

I dont know if this is any help.  It is meant with good intention.



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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2006, 05:17:21 PM »
I understand you hurt and anger.  One thing I have noticed about narcassists is that giving them ANY attention (even anger) allows this person to win your reaction.  That is probably what they are looking for most of all and are not in the least bit intimidated by your anger either. 



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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2006, 06:11:29 PM »
Good point, whoami.  I don't really care if they are intimidated by my anger...I"m not the one who intimidates purposely, THEY are.  I just felt a need to share a feeling and be REAL, that's all.

God will deal with them a lot better than I ever could.


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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2006, 08:32:40 PM »
I think that feeling your anger, and expressing it, are necessary at this stage, RM.  Allowing it and expressing it are actually the cure for it.  You are doing it in a safe and structured way.  You recognize it and connect it with the events from the past that caused it.  This is an important step in your healing, in my opinion.

Good for you, RM.  Very good, in fact.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2006, 11:02:35 PM »

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

sea storm

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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2006, 03:28:02 PM »

Sorry that you have been sooooo hurt.

I hear your anger and I hope this venting of it will help you get through it. Better to share it with us than waste it on someone who may not be equipped with empathy. This is not only a waste but harmful to you. If they don't care how you think or feel, then spare yourself when you can from this pain.

Sending you lots of light and good thoughts.

Sea Storm


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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2006, 03:59:39 PM »
Laura it seems to me you are getting sick with worry over this. If you know or believe she comes here and is laughing at you why keep addressing her?

It's no reflection on you you know that a relationship didn't work out; everyone has a few failed relationships in their life which are painful to look back on but maybe were learning or personal growth points.

You seemed to be doing so well, don't let this setback take over.

You can drive yourself insane longing and hoping for something which isn't going to happen and probably wouldn't be a good thing if it did.

You have other people in your life now, other goals, lots to build on and look forward to.

You have a lot to offer to people who will want to know and hear the real you. Focus on them and on healing yourself. Stop torturing yourself and if you really can't stop thinking about Jodi then start to draw boundaries- limit it, 10 minutes a day or a diary entry or whatever seems appropriate; something to take control and not let your hurt, anger and anxiety take over.



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Re: I feel Angry...going to express it here
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2006, 12:17:00 AM »
just cause it "seems to you" a certain way, doesn't make it reality.  Know what I mean?

Perhaps you could lay off the suggestions that

er Bean, I am saying what I think; that's all anyone can say, no?

Laura doesn't have to take on board my view or anyone else's, nor do I have to second-guess you or anyone else before I post, surely?

What's going on with you? I can't keep up with posts, I'll be thrown off the computer in a minute when son gets out of shower. I'm lucky ex doesn't mind me being in his office so I won't complain too much!