Hi seasons
green tea is GOOOOOOOOOD

[you can put lemon in it if its taste is too strong for you] - very soothing.
Good for you, doing what you had to do to get space from a toxic person.
I do think Dandylife has some good points too, about people who react negatively basically being self-protective if what they do afterwards shows that they heard you...
but ya know? Dandylife is talking about an adolescent, or a very immature and defensive young adult. People who still have a lot of maturing to do.
Speaking just for me, now, and speaking about people who are 'grownups', in people years...
I no longer want 'significant' people in my life who react to everything I say to them with scorn and derision, or who tell me they aren't going to listen to it because it might be painful to them to have to consider the effects on others of their own behavior.
Even if they do tippytoe back, afterwards, and think about what I said;
even if they do tippytoe back to me, afterwards, and say or do something that shows they heard and were helped.
Who needs the @$%$#(@#!@$^ drama? And who needs the @$%$#(@#!@$^ dishonesty?
I want people in my life who are balanced and sane enough to hear what I have to say without flaming out, wise and mature enough to listen to my words rather than projecting their own meanings onto them, and adult and considerate enough to say -
"Hmm. I hadn't thought of that."
or "That's interesting. I'm not sure I agree, though, and here are the
reasons [not gut feelings, not instinctive defense reactions. Actual, grown up
or even - "Wow. I had never thought of it that way, but I think you might be right."
or even - "Ouch... that's painful but you know, I see your point."
Believe it or not, it isn't unrealistic at all to expect adults in theory to behave like adults in practice. And it's very healthy to decide that you want to invest yourself in real adults, whenever you can.
Good luck to you! And yeah, watch out for caffeine, it really is anxiety-in-a-cup for a lot of people...