Hi CB,
You got it. Mom's too "special" to do daycare with other old folks. And what a shame. If she'd been going to senior programs a few times a week for the last decade, she'd have warm friendships (if such an Nish person can) that would be comforting in this last chapter. But as it is, she is very very lucky (as am I) that her morning companion is an absolute joy. This dear woman has humored and coaxed and befriended and tended her with great patience, humor and compassion, and I can't thank her enough. Without her, Mom's isolation would be complete. She spends mornings with her companion and naps much of the afternoon. I get her meal the minute I get home around 6:30 pm, then I put out her pills and retreat upstairs. So far, she can undress herself and get to bed, etc. I do not know what i'll do when she no longer can, because I really can't do that for her because of my back.
One day at a time.
What's more, now Mom is actually too weak to go out much. I took her for a ride tonight, she enjoyed that. (I was taking some papers to her gentleman friend, who's going blind...I'm going to help him get one of those video reading aid machines for people with low vision.)
Seasons, thanks for the hug. I don't do that much. And I'm not responsible in my own paperwork life!
That would be a NYRes except I don't make them (set myself up for guilt). But if I DID make them, it would be to make peace with the idea of taking care of myself. In the sense that tending to my paperwork regularly would be a stress REDUCER, instead of the phobic anxiety marathon I turn it into.
I notice that on a workday, I can get up very early at times and do some of it. I think the reason is that I know I'll be leaving the house and filling responsibilities that I enjoy at work...so I can put in a short spurt of "taking care of my business" at home. But when the weekend looms, I go limp. It's stupid.