I needed a little inspiration today so I went shopping on the web and found this little story from Wayne Dyer. I'm going to buy the book and if anyone expresses interest I'll let you know if it lives up to its praise. It's by a woman, Immaculée, about her astonishing survival during Rawanda's genocide Here's a paragraph from a comment by Dyer:
"It has been said that the laws of the material world do not apply in the presence of the God-realized. You’ll come to understand these words directly by the time you finish reading this book. Time after time, Immaculée’s pure, God-realized “Inner Beingness” allowed her to erect invisible barriers so that killers with machetes who were only inches away were blinded to her physical presence. As her faith deepened, the miracles became even more astonishing. Her visualizations became so real—and all doubt was banished from her mind—that she was indeed at one with God. She knew that God was with her as she saw a cross of light bar her and her companions from certain death. Angels of love and compassion seemed to emerge out of nowhere as Immaculée intensified her communion with our Creator. She was able to stare down a determined killer and watch in certainty as he dropped his weapon and became immobilized as his contempt was converted to kindness. "
Anyone else have inspirational stories to share?