I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. You don't deserve what has happened to you. It is horrifying to think that there are actually people in the world who would do what he has done to you.
It is the very wee hours of the morning where I am. I dont know if you are even in the US--but if it is the middle of the night where you are, it is a horrible time to be thinking all these thoughts and all alone. Please know that there is someone else (me!) that is up in the night with you. If it is full daylight, I hope you will go outside for a few minutes and put your face up to the sun or the rain and let it wash over you.
I just think that you need to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. There is no way that you could know all the legal remedies that might be available to you. And with your current state of anguish, there may be some wiser choices that you have not thought of, other than to ruin yourself with debilitating payments. I'm sure an attorney, or financial advisor, could give you some advice.
And, surely, if you could not benefit from a therapist right now, none of us can. Perhaps you feel that you cant spare the money for that, but I wonder if having a therapist to help sort this out might not make you more able to handle the financial decisions you have looming. Maybe you would even save money in the long run because you were able to sort through your emotions and make better decisions. At the very least, a support group--even an Al Anon group--might help give you the constant support you need right now.
You know that we will always be hear to listen to your pain. We have all been there--I have had my share of tears this week over the betrayal of my own life. We will make it though this. Many, many women have and we can only move forward and we will end up in a better place. Over and over, I am thankful that--even though I am in a MUCH worse place financially--I am free of the person who would love me so little that he would put me here.
Many, many blessings, sea storm. I can't give you anything but my support and understanding, but I do give you that--completely.