I am proud of you too, Beth.
I too have my compulsions, ordering in Pizza or Swiss Chalet. Once the though hits me I am sunk. I try to wait it out, but before midnight I have orderd food. Tonight was Swiss Chalet.
I never miss Y&R sopa opera.!!
I get playing Big Kahuna Reef and can't stop even though I want to go to bed and read. It's 9:26 pm PST, and it's CSI. another addiction, and I want to hit the sack and read for a couple of hours... a good mystery book. I wonder if I'll make it, if I keep playing Reef after CSI.
I am no longer addicted to men!
Oh but I still smoke, 6 cigs a day. not worth the effort, but yep! I have my 6.
Most of all I am addicted to my computer. I hope there are computers in the afterlife!