Hi seastorm, Izzy here!
And you too Hopalong for agreeing with she/sea/herstorm
Yes! I agree I have been mauled by life, but when it comes to the maulers being people one thinks ought to have been far more kind and supportive—I guess that tends to make one ‘withdraw’ and question loyalties and the 'whys' of betrayals.
When I was in the car crash, the driver was found guilty in Criminal court and Civil court. My sister was divorcing her husband and came to me asking if I knew anyone who would lend her $40,000.00 …hint! hint!…..so she could buy out her ex re their house. I said “No, I didn’t”. I expect she thought I would offer, but she left in a huff and didn’t talk to me for a while. I had invested the settlement in different areas and didn’t have $40K just lolling in the kitchen drawer.
Next time we spoke she said the accident was my fault because I was there! Well I can see her point, but not the point of her saying it! She is the bane of my existence. Maybe that’s why, when I was about 3, I rammed a broomstick down her throat. (Now this is a time when my mother did step in.)
I sense that I am an AvPD but became worse with each psychological trauma that zeroed in on me. I wonder if I am just hiding from another?
So we just soldier on, eh seastorm?—and I never lost my sense of humour!
When I left rehab, in 1970, I was switching between crutches and a wheelchair. Crutches were handy for inaccessible places, but then the years passed and I became older, so I haven’t used them in 3 years. Someone asked me why and I said because I was older now and might fall and break a hip and spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair!
Cheers for now