Hi all
HomeMy goodness I have lived so many places and all of them (after 2 farms when growing up) were furnished rooms and apartments, always with the idea that they were transitory and one day I would have a
HOME.Finally, when my daughter was 8, I was able to buy a house. It was a 2 bedroom bungalow with a double garage, facing the lake and a park. It was accessible for me, no basement and the laundry rooom was on the one floor with the rest of the rooms. This was my HOME, with my daughter, for 14 years.
Then she met 'her' Narcissist and I lost her, to an extent, because of his control over her.
(the divide and conquer part, eh?) That is one man I hated, for sure, but I also hated that I could not stand up to him, that I could allow his mistreatment of me without saying a word, in case I totally lost my daughter, who supposedly loved him. I had asked her please wait to marry. They had known one another a few short months when they decided to marry.
I kept the house for another year but saw that it was too difficult without her there to help with the grass and windows, while I did the flower beds and cleaned the garage and car. I thought we were a good pair.
Then came more apartments , still feeling transitory, until this one now. A one bedrooom that is not modified, so I cannot close the bathroom door--- leaves it awkard when company might be here, so one of the reasons I don't want people coming. So with no one popping in, this is
my home now, such as it is! and where I work and some days I don't make the bed or get dressed, as I have too much work to do and I feel comfortable.
Now, at 67, I expect the next place will be a retiremnet/assisted-living place .....................then an URN.
I am feeliing quite perky these days since I found this site. Having friends who are strangers and who are senstive to my needs.
thanaks all
oh yes!!
Since I asked my daughter to not marry so young, 19, and wait becases if it was love it would last, and she ended up living for 10 years in a marriage of hell with an N., would anyone think that the possibilty exists that she is 'angry' with me for being 'right' in the first place?
Something is preventing our communication--although I have often though it was me and my AvPD, my voicelessness, my hurt at her for siding with her N when he dismissed me in 1991--that's 23, or 15 years without her in my life-- 15 without my grandkids.