There's a group called Moderation Management which has some good stuff though some of the people are still drinking and some like me learned through it that moderation was too hard and abstinence was the way.
It was a good process for me- I would never have stayed sober if I'd jumped right in, or coped with all the family revelations at one go. is another organisation, this one with abstinence as the main goal.
I could never do 12 step either- couldn't get past powerless!
For many years I thought ( because that's what I had been taught ) that G_d was an old white guy on a cloud dispensing arbitrary justice...and I don't believe in that....but I have always found a great spiritual peace in nature and music and sacred writings.
Now I realise that IS G_d, that everyone experiences G_d and visualises it differently, and when people tell me I am wrong I disengage; I don't argue much these days, and have the utmost repsect for other people's beliefs, but frankly the proselytising earlier in my life made it harder for me to come to spiritual peace and now I am very careful what I tell others about my beliefs. It's as easy to hurt people and harden their hearts as it is to uplift or inspire them!
Many people I have met who are unbelievers in a deity are filled with the spirit, they just don't care to call it that or affiliate themselves with a particular religion.
Good luck!