Author Topic: 'It's just a bad day'  (Read 9873 times)


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'It's just a bad day'
« on: January 13, 2007, 06:09:12 PM »
does anyone else have trouble putting boundaries around each negative experience and keeping the emotions in check? I really struggle when like today it's a hard day, but even though it worked out, now I can't just set it aside and think 'it's just a bad day'. Is this perfectionism at its insidious work again?


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 06:34:07 PM »
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 10:05:16 AM by CB123 »
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 12:26:32 AM »
My God, CB.
I am truly sorry.

I can't believe what cowards "authorities" often are; or how often men stick together at the expense of women and children. I wish you had that jerk shrink's words on tape.

I think what's really crucial is who gets full custody though.

Has that worked in your favor? Do you have a lawyer you can talk this over with?

I'm so sorry for this sickening experience. I remember drawing a line in the sand when it came to joint custody. I would not do it. How absurd to think you could do that with this creep!

Don't you give up. Your kids are as smart as their mother and your ex will get bored as you don't supply him any more. The process will still wind through to its close, and he'll surely be off to new sources of attention.

Woman, you need 3-D ALLIES in your life.

Getting off the farm and getting settled and getting a new life is going to steady you.

Hang in there, this is a rough wave, but you are going to be okay.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 09:11:17 AM »
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 02:38:36 AM by CB123 »
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 12:42:27 PM »

Don't know what to say other than I hear you and think you are amazing.



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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 02:12:58 PM »

I think this can be genuine kindness mixed with a lot of blind patronizing:

He has been extremely kind and personable to me.  But he has a kind of let-the-boys'-handle-it attitude

When I went to choose my attorney (on the advice of a lawyer friend, I "interviewed" the top 3 divorce attorneys in town, also a smallish town, which would prevent my ex from using any of them)....anyway, I wound up choosing a woman. She had a reputation as a barracuda, and although it was never necessary in our case for her to go on attack, she would have if needed.

This is the type of attorney I wish you had in your corner. You DO have a right to aggressive represenation and fierce advocacy. You know what the realities are, you know what's at stake...the boys' club doesn't and whether or not they may be nice individually, they fundamentally don't care. I'm sorry to be cynical but I don't think most lawyers are preoccupied with justice.

It's not too late for you to consult with a different attorney, especially given these developments. Are there any powerful female domestic lawyers you could speak to? I think it would be worth your time. Even if nothing would change, you'd know you'd left no stone unturned.

I think you WERE betrayed by that psychologist, and I think you have every right to react. (Although years of living with an N often make us forget that)...

love and lots of support,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2007, 03:47:32 PM »
does anyone else have trouble putting boundaries around each negative experience and keeping the emotions in check? I really struggle when like today it's a hard day, but even though it worked out, now I can't just set it aside and think 'it's just a bad day'. Is this perfectionism at its insidious work again?

I sure do.  And it's a big challenge.  The negative event seems to repeat like a loop tape in my mind.  Just about drove me nuts when I was a manager dealing with a lot of difficult employee situations.  Have been trying meditation and yoga to work with it.  I try to remind myself things are all right NOW.


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2007, 07:53:48 PM »
sorry CB123 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

my biggest hurt in all this is the disillusionment I feel about those authority figures who occupy their positions for who-know-what-reasons.  They are totally blase about the suffering of those they have the opportunity to help

sometimes it feels like the most uncaring place in the world- bucketloads of sentimentality and false support and friendship and no substance or depth.

Why do people say things they don't truly mean to follow through on?????

negative event seems to repeat like a loop tape in my mind.  Just about drove me nuts when I was a manager dealing with a lot of difficult employee situations.  Have been trying meditation and yoga to work with it.  I try to remind myself things are all right NOW.

it's even worse with the bipolar and of course doomsday man as my ex....

Today was if anything worse in terms of negative feedback.

But I had a nice night out last night with the divorce support group, and I'm not crying or falling apart.

Just sad and lonely.

I'll sit with that then....


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2007, 08:31:31 PM »
Hey, (((((((Write))))))

Having had a nice night out and not falling apart is sometimes a really triumphant thing.

Congratulations on weathering this weekend in that state. Good for you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2007, 02:04:06 AM »
Wow, your story sounds so much like mine.  I had a therapist that work with my ex-husband and I totally betray me.  Like yours he told me that my husband was abusive to me and the children but when my ex husband asked him what did he think of his behavior the therapist didn't have the balls to tell him.  I remember the feeling of devastation that the therapist couldn't step up to the plate when it mattered.

I too had a male lawyer.  He downplayed the abuse, told me I could never get sole custody and basically I have had to deal with the kids issues below the radar(husband doesn't believe in testing or therapy fortunately I have found therapist that know how nuts he is and have help me deal with all the issues.).  I have taken the tactic of never complaining about his erratic parenting, underminding tactics, and abusive comments on the rare occasions we have to speak.   I've oftened wondered if a female attorney could have helped me deal with the situation more effectively.  My youngest is now in high school and I'm getting quite good at letting the craziness roll off my back.  Unfortunately, narcissist do whatever they want to do, particularly wealthy narcissist. 

In some ways I think your lawyer is right...unless your husband is beating the kids or really causing great mental harm kids need to learn how to have some type of a relationship with their father, even if it is an unhealthy relationship.  I always tell them his bad behavior is not about them.  If you have one healthy parent that is there and validating their reality and they know they can count on that parent they can survive the bad parent.  By the time they are 14 the can choose to spend less time with him if he is being inappropriate. 

Good luck.


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 06:26:54 AM »
Gap what you wrote makes lots of sense to me.  It is just so bloody hard CB the relentless undermining and the feeling of abandonment by those who "know about these behaviours".  I think there is some kind of conspiracy going on in society whereby so many people look away from abuse.  Like it was not so bad IT BLOODY WAS AND IS. 

Emotional abuse is every bit as damaging as physical abuse.  I know this.  I have been battered, you can't see the scars but they are there.  Everyone on this board has been battered.  I want to name that.  If each of us was walking around wearing our wounds on our faces or with black eyes and bloody nose society would acknowledge our truth.  Well I feel that I am wounded and bleeding and the world apart from here is saying to me, Oh well he was not that bad, you did travel a lot with him.  I want to screa F... Off I can travel on my own, I gave this scumbag my heart and he punched and ripped and tore it. 




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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2007, 09:40:59 AM »
Dear Axa,

That is why this board is so important.  Unless you have been in the line of fire, unless you were raised by narcissist and married to a narcissist you can't understand.  My father, also a N, would say to me at my lowest moments, I just don't get why you took the abuse, I would have done such and such.   Yeah dad, if you hadn't allowed me to be abused by my mother and brothers, if you hadn't told me sticks and stones would break my bones...., if you had taught me what real love feels like, real unconditional love, I too never would have taken the abuse.  I would have seen the red flags of a narcissist miles away and run.  I would have had enough sense of self to never allow another human being to treat me in such horrible ways, I would neverr have questioned myself and my sanity.  I wouldn't have spent my childhood trying to be lovable or 20 plus years trying to be good enough to be treated with respect.  Healthy parents would have been thrilled to have me as their child, a normal man would have appreciated all I have to offer as a wife.

I think the reason many people have such trouble understanding is that they can't possibly comprehend the wounds we have that allow us to stay and take the abuse in the first place.  Abusive people don't get to healthy people, after much therapy I can actually  be in the path of abuse, see it for what it is, processes it and not let it bring me down (most of the time).  Mechanisms healthy people have for dealing with abuse we have to develope thru therapy and knowledge, are parents programmed us to be receipients of abuse.   We are the second half of the abuse puzzle, without people that react and respond to abuse the abuser is rendered powerless...that is why healthy people have trouble comprehending our plight in life.  The problem is my parents simply taught me the rhyme, they didn't give me the tools to make words not hurt or the strength and confidence to walk away...that I had to teach myself.


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2007, 10:08:58 AM »
WRITE - I can't quite get a complete understanding of your experience but I'm going to offer a suggestion from the best of my understanding.  If I undestand what you are saying then perhaps you can "practise" setting it aside.  Each and every tme the darkness of it comes up meet it with appropriate thoughts.  Don't give up.  This is a difficult process.  It is about retraining your mind and your brain.  It may take longer than you would like but don't give up.  The more you work on the the better it will get and then you will strengthen this tool over time.

I'm curious about how it it is still effecting you and uncertain about what you mean by " I can't just set it aside and think 'it's just a bad day'. "  But more than anything I am sorry you are struggling.  - your friend - Gaining Strength

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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2007, 10:30:33 AM »
He recommended co-parenting and standard visitation.
What a shock that he would so blatentl contradict himself!  Of course it feels like a betrayal.

I still hold out hope that I will be proved wrong.  But this is very, very hard.
Don't hold out hope CB123.  Strategically you need to prepare for the opposite.  That's how men think and you have entered the world of the court system which operates only on rules and has zero concern for the humanity of the effects of rules.  We as women approach life very differently.  I encourage you to approach your new attorney as a partner in strategy not as your advocate.  I learned this from experience.  Strategize about how you can get the custodial rights that will make your life and your children's lives tolerable.  Strategizae about how you can ge the psychologist to work on your behalf rather than as a milktoast.  I really belive that will help.  What you have encountered is appalling but not terribly surprising.  Now is time to learn to play by their rules.  You are in my thoughts and prayers. - GS
« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 09:53:23 AM by Gaining Strength »


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Re: 'It's just a bad day'
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2007, 07:42:31 AM »

I agree with what you said.  I too was programmed for abuse and have been working hard for the past 15 years trying to relearn how to live.  I have made small improvements over the years but I have made improvements.  Even though I was in a relationship with an N for the past three years somehow towards the final six months I took on the role of the observer often.  I would watch him, watch myself, see what was happening.  It took some time and many times I lost my awareness and got stuck in there with him.  But the day I told him leave I was so clear that I was not willing to put up with another minute of his bull ever again in my life.  This has been a first for me.

I SAW I was nothing other than supply, absolutly nothing........ and seeing this freed me.  I was like his car that gave him pleasure.  I was an object.  Through this I saw that there never was any love on his part.  It was all calculated, practical games to get his needs met, nothing more. 

I just feel so lucky I am not contaminated by that toxic POS (rude words) any more.

Working on me now and can feel the rewards of that work.
