This ought to read "WHAT IN HELL DID...."
When he said that, we kids were so lacking in voice that we said nothing, as my sister and I were milking 12 cows before going to school. Up at 5:00 to clean the cow stables, the bull pen (and we were left alone in that bull pen without protection from it), clean the horse stables, clean the pig pens, freshen the straw bedding for the bull, the pigs, the horses and the cows, separate the milk, and give the skimmed milk to the pigs, after we mixed up their chop etc, and spread it in the trough, and the cream went to the house for mom, which she sold for butter--and one pail of fresh milk went to the house for each day.
Go upstairs to the hay mows and drag out enough to throw down the chute to another sister to feed all the animals, except the pigs. Go up there where there are no lights and it's freezing cold and try to figure out if you are doing it right or get blasted by dad.
The pigs were the last to be fed and squealed the whole while we did all this other crap and as I'm milikng my 6 cows I hear my dad raging that I am "A LAZY BASTARD". I will never forget it, and I wish I knew enough to say"Lazy? You call all this work I do---LAZY?-- you raging bastard!
and as well I help with the haying and the harvesting and you just mumble and grumble the whole while. We are all just free labour for you on this fricking farm".
I did those chores morning and night from age 8 to age 16, 365 days a year, without one word of thanks from him. I was his child labour!--beaten as well as he beat the animals, once blinding a cow.---just speaking for myself, but there were always 2 sisters in this position, depending on when we reached age 8, or reached age 16.
Damn it! There are so many times I needed a voice and never had it--never knew I was entitled to it!
Then in 1976 I sat at his bedside in the hospital, as he was in his last 6 months of dying, all I asked for was his signature on their Tax Returns that I had been doing every year, and....left...
3 months later as mom nursed him at home, for his last 3 months, he was a skeleton with skin and couldn't speak, just eyes looking at me and I felt nothing!!! Absolutely Nothing! I said nothing....Then he died the next morning!