I'm so sorry. I can imagine.
He did not know her.
He has no right to speak to you about her. (Hopefully, you'll never be listening to his prattle again anyway, or applauding his performances.)
YOU knew her. YOU loved her.
He's "copying" because he is N and has no love of his own.
His weak acting does not touch her, does not soil her memory. A memory can't be soiled, anyway.
She is your precious memory. Safe and untouched in your love, and in your heart. Don't worry about all will gross you out when you think of it for a while, but eventually even that won't get a rise out of you.
You'll be healed, moving forward, carrying her like a strength in your heart. Your life will still be full. And rich, and meaningful. You will know it is all right to be happy. It's good. (That's what she'd want.)
I used to be fooled by the Nexbfsob -- he was an enthusiastic weeper. Buckets of tears.
After a year, during the breakup conversation, I cried just once and he immediately cried louder. For once I stopped him and said with some heat, Can't I have a turn?
He looked amazed, then irritated, and his tears were turned off like a faucet.