Hi mudpuppy,
Wow, you put that very well. It is exactly as you said it. Subtle , insidious and no witnesses! However the impact is so destructive and damaging.
The only way I manage to put it past me and not try to get revenge or hit back is to just realize that I believe life or karma will give her what she deserves. I believe life is much smarter, much more patient than I am and she will be getting her just rewards when life deems it to be the most appropriate time and manner.
In addition I do believe that if I did hit back it would be seen by her as me just wanting attention and it would be in some way pleasurable for her to know I feel so much pain or anger.
Apart from that I read a lovely quote about revenge, which is "the best revenge is living well", and that is exactly what I am working on.
All the best,