Great minds think alike. That is exactly the site I was talking about. I realized after I wrote this I should have sent you all the link. She wrote me a letter responding to a regular email, but not about that one yet. Maybe I will ask her later and see if she took it. She takes the IQ ones and such... I just know, seeing the test, that she will answer that she relates to special people and must wear her jewelry and such. She is proud of those things... But I think you are right, Lib, she probably won't tell me the truth about results. You know, with all we have discussed here, and knowing that Ns lie, it is not until recently that I have caught her lying. It is little stuff, but I never recognized it before. A few weeks ago I went to the gamesite that we are both on and saw she was playing in a room. The room was full, so I waited until it opened and went in. She said she had just gotten there. The day before that, she had been asking me if my husband and I were having problems, so I think she was trying to lay low, knowing that she had been trying to cause problems. Speaking of which, I think she wants us to have problems to cause one of your so named WORLD EVENTS. That didn't cross my mind until I read your post.
Love to all of you ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))