it's an allegory for your life, luv.
whoever [or whatever] Y is, they're taking advantage of you in major ways, or sabotaging your progress in equally major ways, and on some deep level part of you knows it.
I don't know if Y is your ex, or a disturbed child, or your mother, or your job, but your subconscious clearly sees a problem here, and your subconscious is trying to get your attention major big time.
Are you able to do 'lucid dreaming'? When you are dreaming, do you know it is a dream, and if it bothers you, can you change it, or make yourself stop dreaming? If you can, the next time this dream occurs, try telling yourself that it is a message, and ask yourself what you can change - in the dream! - to make things improve. Try telling Y to leave, for instance, and showing them out the door. Or: sit down with Y and have a cup of tea!
See what happens... you may be amazed.