Have read through several of the threads on this excellent site.
My name is Eoin, married to Trish and we have one son.
We are both the individual and collective scapegoats of our families and are working hard to free ourselves from our family defined roles.
Here's a brief history of our lives before we met, the last 12 years and the present.
I had my first of several hospitalisations for Bipolar (mania) 15 years ago, the manic cycles continued until meeting Trish 12 years ago and commencing therapy.
Therapy has been ongoing since then and with the exception of a relapse 3 years ago (I re-entered my family thinking I was strong enough to cope) I remain well, functioning and medication free for nearly ten years.
Shortly after meeting Trish, she began to tell me of the sexual abuse perpatrated on her by a neighbour. I encouraged her to seek help both professionally and legally in her journey of recovery.
This however all backfired when her abuser confronted her family with a Solictors' letter she had sent him and all hell broke loose, not with the abusing neighbour, but rather her family.
It took us quite a while to work out but the conclusion we have arrived at is that Trish's Mother is an N at the higher level.
On hearing of our engagement her Nmother's response was "what about me?".
Since then it has been one abuse after another, some highlights!! were:
- shunned our Wedding Day
- denied any knowledge of the previous sexual abuse though they all knew except Trish's Father.
- Nmother turned entire family and in-laws against us making up stories as she went along
- made a sham of our son's Christening
- continuously attempts to ruin our every happy event.
We have tried various methods in trying to combat the Nmother, falling into the usual pitfalls and mistakes everyone seems to make.
This Christmas we thought we had it sussed, we arranged a holiday abroad from Christmas Eve for a week but the Nmother was still able to get in on Dec 22nd with a phone call looking for our address to send our son a present.
It's now the 22nd of January but Nmother hasn't managed to send it!
Trish's Father, the Enabler gave up and died 3 years ago, I had eventually formed a good relationship with him despite the Nmother's continued warfare against me.
She has now managed to regroup the dysfunctional family back under her control including bringing a HERO daughter back from Australia where she was progressing as a Medical Consultant.
The Nmother has been a constant source of abuse, upheaval and heartbreak in our relationship for 12 years, it seems now that not even a superficial relationship is possible with any member of the immediate family.
I think Trish has finally realised that her Nmother is not for changing, what can we do to protect ourselves from this abuse and emotional turmoil longterm as well as short-term?
Eoin & Trish