It was mentioned on the other N group, whose viewers said there was nothing about the "love 'em and leave 'em" Ns. The D&Ds--the OW..........the lies, the crazymaking, the character assassination.....
I sense somehow
that people STILL don't get it. The intro video was entilted
Egomaniac.If this was about Ns, it was actually talking more about Psychopaths, those who kill, and rageaholics!
I think our best example of an N, turned P, is Scott Peterson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who could resist that charm and the smile, the $$, the attention--------but all the while he is is planning a murder!!!!! .........and carries it out without any regret, empathy, remorse............
I use him as an example if I want to tell anyone about an N, about a P-----I still think the TV shows are not getting it right! I expect they are afraid of lawsuis. (Dr. Phil is, anyway.)