Welcome CJ.

I’m English, never been in therapy (yet) so I can only use ordinary words to talk to you! So – your story so far is pretty horrible. Your family set up – excuse me – sounds weird from the start. Daughters with children don’t usually live just with their Dads you know? (I’m pretty direct and challenging, but other posters will be gentler, I promise, so don’t take offence, okay?) Was it always just the family of three? Do you know anything about your father? (Your mother telling you you’d be like him….just gets me mad.) As for the head-banging on the floor – inexcusable. So humiliating if not downright dangerous! How did you feel? Were you physically hurt? Angry? (You don’t have to answer, I’m just going to a similar place in my childhood.)
Stick around. This is emotional survival here, and it sounds as though that may apply to you eh? So many of your words ring bells, I’m a bit annoyed on your behalf, just listening. It doesn’t matter if it was narcissism or whatever ‘disorder’: it
is your reaction. You said “I'm not really sure if my emotions were considered valid”. What
do you think? (I don’t think from what you’ve said your emotions were ever considered
at all, whether valid or invalid.) If I sound harsh, it’s because I’m against therapists putting words in your mouth: has that happened? I’m glad you posted! Please tell us more if and when you feel like it. Over to my more gentler colleagues here…. Very best wishes, P
PS Your mother sounds cold, unloving and manipulative. Just like so many!
PPS. Okay I’ve calmed down from reading your post and read it again. Your mother seemed to give you this conflicting stuff: letting you believe the outside world was dangerous(?) or that you might be vulnerable in the outside world? And then being cruel about you crying when you had to go back to school. Not nice, not good for anyone.
You said:
i just feel ive been running away from even those thoughts, in my numbness, running away from myself. ITS ALL theory though! I'm just getting imatient waiting on answers.
I get impatient too. And I ran away from myself, for a long time. I guess I should ask: what would you like from this board? Our unscientific group diagnosis of your mother and grandfather, or some questions to you about yourself and how you are? Or both? Or do you feel a little like I have, I wanted to ask ‘please show me who I am?’. Please talk some more!