Your last post here was touching to me. I feel like I have been holding my breath forever, and your words to let myself off the hook--so to speak----gave me permission to exhale. My mind is clearing. I am breathing calmly. I have always taken on the responsibility of everything, held my breath, clenched my jaw, and plowed forward with---"Sorry, sorry, sorry" being my mantra.
I have made a vow to stop saying "sorry". "Whoops", once in a while maybe, (since I realize I am not perfect) but sorry, for nothing, nope. And shouldering the burden and responsibility for how the N's make me feel. Especially NH. Nope.
This was hard because NH has been telling me since I have stood up to him a few times I am to blame, and I need meds because I "obviously have a chemical imbalance", and I have been tweaked just enough to almost believe it. But of course he would say that when I am pulling his throne out from under him. Letting him know I will not be his servant any longer. He would say anything to keep that king status in the house. Putting all the blame on me because I had the guts to say something.
Thank you. I have read a lot of stuff talking about how I am co-dependent and an enabler, etc. And I see that, but, you are right, I don't really need that right now. It won't help me get to where I need to be strong enough to stand my ground. And most importantly, love myself. Tall order for me, but one I am working on.