Thank you fo rthe replies, each one helps. I am a person who up until a few weeks ago was always filled with hope, hope that one day she will realize what I am going through, hope that she will see error in her ways. She has had a bad childhood, starting with her parents splitting at a young age because of her dads unfaithfullness, molestation and various other bad experiences. So I think that maybe she is avoiding dealing with her pain and in turn has developed a hint of narcisism, thinking that no one is going to help her or care for her but her, and that is all that matters to her. Maybe once a week to once a month she is able to open up to me and really show affection, although very little. I see this personality as disoredered, I consider that a disease and like anyone I care about, I will stick around and see to it that as long as it may take me I will make sure she gets help. I will cry for her, I will take the pain for her. Seriously, she is so much fun to be with.