Dear Axa,
Congratulations on the anniversary of your liberation!! Congratulations on the No Contact!!!
YAY!! You've done very well and come a long way. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done! It's been a horrible trip, but you are heading to a healthier place.
As far the the dreams and writing your story, I think this means you are processing all that you have been through. The mind tries to make sense and understand what it all means.
Sometimes I feel that what I've been through don't amount to a hill of beans. But, then, I see that I have grown by getting to know myself better.
I think you, Axa, have definately grown and you are getting in touch with your feelings. Lord, that sounds so cliche and new agey, but I now truely feel there is great value in finding out who I/we really are and what I/we really want in life.
I think that by finding out who I really am and what I really want in life will protect me from getting involved with Ns in the future.
I think that my weak boundaries (Hell, until recently, I didn't now what boundaries were, never heard the word used in that context!!!) left me open to Ns. Now, I'm in the process of learning about and defining my boundaries and this has given me an inner direction and identity.
So, learning about my feelings and boundaries is creating a new life for me.
Guess what I'm trying to say is that it is a process, a journey and it takes time to redefine ones life.
Regarding evil, I've thought this through a hundred times and I still don't know. Yes, the Ns do evil things and yes, they are aware of what they do. But, Ns are also unconscious and unaware because they have no true self, no self consciousness. Ns don't believe that what they do is evil because they rationalize their actions.
So, are they evil? Yes and no. But, at this point, I no longer care. I just never want to be in the grips of an N again and will use my boundaries to protect me.
I think that despite the pain that you feel, you're doing really well Axa. Wishing you all the best on the journey.