Hi GS,
Your post is very powerful. You are doing a lot of “self” work and it is paying off. Congrats. So many things you said are very empowering, like realizing that your Mom acts in unawareness and knowing you can change a lot by shifting your attitude.
I think this is a huge realization:
“I think that I am unconsciously holding on to the powerlessness out of some kind of fear. It is somehow attached to loneliness and some strange desire for pity. These things will not help me. I must let go of them.” “For some strange reason I want someone to reach out to me”I recently read somewhere (perhaps at my new hangout:
http://drirene.com/contents.htm?) that a key part to codependency (as well as Nism) is a feeling of entitlement, a feeling that others are responsible for straightening out my life. Of course, this feeling is self destructive.
As a ‘recovering’ co-d, I was surprised to hear that this feeling of entitlement is part of being co-d, but your description of feeling a
“strange desire for pity” and
“For some strange reason I want someone to reach out to me” reminded me of the entitlement aspect of being co-d.
I too feel this
“strange desire for pity” and wanting
“someone to reach out to me” and I think it is the entitlement, like I want pity and someone to reach out because I’m entitled to have this mess in my life cleaned up.
On the other hand, sometimes this desire for pity and wanting
“someone to reach out to me” is a desire for validation and for a witness.
Perhaps, by looking at your these feelings, we can distinguish as to whether it’s a desire for entitlement or a desire for validation and a witness (or both, or neither).
“There is some odd balance between giving to others and needing that giving or that attention to come back.” Is this the feeling of entitlement felt by a co-d? I’m giving, so therefore, they should give back to me?
“That wound - that deep, original wound that came from my parents anger over being responsible for my needs is at the root.” Yes, think you are correct and you are showing major awareness.
“As a child and an adult I have waited to receive and raged when I didn't and then waited again. This is the pattern that has repeated itself over and over. This is the pattern that my husband and I repeated.” Wow, GS, so excellent that you recognize the pattern.
But, Question: You’re giving and expecting someone to give to you in return: Is this the feeling of entitlement felt by a co-d?
“The clear answer it to quit waiting and to go out and get what I need for myself. Something is scary about that. It has to do with being cut off and rejected but I'm not sure what. It has to do with being belittled, and criticized and made fun of. It has to do with needing help and getting shame instead. That is it.” Wow, GS, so much self awareness!! You have been working hard!! Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, I’m gonna play devil’s advocate re: entitlement cuz because I recently recognized the entitlement was a missing piece for me: Do you feel pissed off that you ‘have’ to do all this work and that you are being forced to
“get what I need for myself”? Do you feel like “Why should I have to get what I need? Why must I go through all this scary stuff?”
Not fair of me to play shrink without a license, but, it’s an interesting idea.
I wrote the above before reading the responses. Now that I have seen them, I also agree that the feeling of being
“angry at being responsible for my needs, just as my parents once were” is also very relevant. But, why feel angry for fulfilling your needs?
Maybe I got Co-d entitlement on the brain, but feeling angry about fulfilling your own needs perhaps points to the question of “why must I be BURDENED with fulfilling my own needs? Why can’t someone ELSE fulfill my needs? Someone else should fulfill my needs.” Is this the feeling of entitlement felt by a co-d?
Again, playing devil’s advocate not only for you, but for myself as well.