Love without Compassion is Possessive, Controlling, and Dangerous
Compassion is the most important emotion in intimate relationships. It contributes far more to happiness than love does.
Relationships can be happy with low levels of love and high levels of compassion, but not the other way around.
Why is compassion so necessary for love relationships?
For one thing, it sensitizes you to the individuality and vulnerability of your loved ones. It makes you see that your partner is a different person from you, with a separate set of experiences, a different temperament, different vulnerabilities, and, in some respects, different values.
In contrast, if you feel the intensity of love without compassion, you cannot see the person your partner truly is. You partner becomes merely a source of emotion for you, rather than a separate person in his/her own right. When your partner makes you feel good, he/she is on a pedestal. When he/she makes you feel bad, your partner becomes a demon.
Love without compassion is possessive, controlling, rejecting, and dangerous.
Compassion, on the other hand, makes you protective, rather than controlling. The difference is crucial.