Hey Sea,
The men fought from holes dug int he ground - "trenches" and it was difficult to attack. So, both sides started to use really large number of large artillery cannons. Many MILLIONS of shells were fired back and forth in continuous artillery attacks that lasted for days. The explosions were tremendous - so huge that men who were near the front lines were shocked into complete unconsciousness just by the force of the explosions of shells many yards away.
Thousands of men had severe mental and physical effects from these bombardments - in some cases they had amnesia, they often had no visible wounds but would be found wandering in a daze, not knowing where they were going or who they were. In many cases this condition would last for many days or even months. This is the origin of the term shell-shocked
This is pretty much how I felt.
All those bombs being dropped and I was in the front line. Couldn't handle all those bombs one right after the other. So many attacks, boom, boom, boom, boom. I was shocked into complete unconscious by the force of the explosions my ex was dropping just yards away from me. I was too shocked to be aware that those bombs were going to destroy me. I was dazed, confused, not knowing who I was, where I was going. It lasted me quite sometime. I came out of shock looked around and seen that the big one was coming and it would be a direct hit. I wanted to survive. Surviving would mean fight back and getting to safe grounds. Take myself out of the line of fire.
I did, you did.
Having Flashbacks. Very normal. You just got to safer grounds sea. Your out of shock now.
Anger releases chemicals in your brain, which then cause the changes in your body that you can feel. These changes give you extra strength and alertness so that you are ready to protect yourself from danger, stand up for your rights or run away to keep yourself safe. a sort of mini ''super hero'' change
It's okay to feel angry about something but it''s NEVER okay to hurt someone because you feel angry.
Learn to control or use your anger in a positive way."
Claps, BRAVO! You used your anger in a positive way.
Wow I guess, we are kinda our own mini superhero's
Never thought of it that way but one of the web sites that my 12yr old son looked at says so. That is where the explanation of Anger came from. Short and simple. This old dog found she can learn new tricks from her 12 old looking through his eyes.
Love Deb