Hang in there girl! I read about your new T and sounds like a good thing for you. Time will tell. I am sorry to hear he is being an idiot. Stay strong. And like you say, don't let him provoke you!
I can't believe he is pushing this to court! But yet, I know exeactly what you are dealing with. At least he is in another home. And you will be soon too. I honestly don't know how you hold up. But, I guess it's like running a marathon, you are so exhausted and want to just sit down in the street and cry, but something pushes you forward, and you gain self-respect and a second wind the closer you ge to the finish. But something tells me you WILL finish the race. And you will win!
It is always darkest just before the dawn----heard that somewhere recently. Maybe even here. I read so much lately I can't keep track, but it makes me keep my chin up and my hopes up. Hope it does you too.
Be well! I remember reading a bit back that you had migraines? I heard a neurologist on the radio recently say to hold ice in your hands or stand on something very cold....it brings the blood down from your head. I don't know, I've only had one migraine and I don't wish to have another! Sorry to hear that bothers you. Yuck.
She also swears by Sam-e to help your brain naturally to keep the seratonin and norapinepherine(sp?) levels up since high stress tends to "strip those gears". Between that and writing here I HAVE avoided snapping and losing it with my idiot. 6 whole weeks now. 800-1600 mg/day on empty stomach. The only cost effective way to get it is Sam's Club or Costco. But I have found I can actually cope and smile to myself at his nonsense, for once, in a long time. I won't bug ya about it, but I just thought I'd mention it.
Take good care! I am rootin' for you! You are a beautiful person and you deserve all the best.