I always wondered what you would call it, but mirroring might be what I'm looking for. "Emotional Vacuum Cleaner" is also a good term =)... I think I found myself sometimes referring to her as an emotional vampire, even though I always respected that she wasn't mentally healthy and attributed it to that.
I don't know always how to respond to what she did, because she was very sick and couldn't help it. But she did do these terrible things. She often did try to sabotage things for me, and its just hard for me to picture the thought process that motivate people to do these things. I can see normal people doing these things, but not on such a large scale. My ex begged me to help her get a job where I was employed, and I finally gave in because I felt sorry for her... despite me knowing all along that it would be a very bad idea. She told people I didn't know what I was doing, claimed to know more about computers than I did, and told people I abused her. I felt bad for her and put up with it because I wanted to help her... I was more than willing to teach her the skills she needed to know, and I was confident she was smart enough to learn them, but goodness... this girl just knew everything there was to know and couldn't possibly learn anything new.
She did do the sabotage thing which I didn't even catch on to. I didn't get it... I mean... I was a bum for most of my life who couldn't get a job or keep one. If there's one good thing that came out of that relationship is that the home life was so bad that I was actually motivated to get a job to escape. For the first time I had a job I didn't dread waking up to and dragging myself to work, and I worked myself from the bottom of the ladder and got to be head of my own department. Its so hard to try and help somebody who needs it when they want to destroy what you've worked for and earned. There was a time though I needed to learn more, to advance myself further... and she just wouldn't allow it. She's always interrupt.
I just don't understand how someone would want to throw wrenches into the gears.
The worst part is just... how she tried to pretend to be the perfect girlfriend. She never said anything mean, always said the nicest things (even though they weren't sincere)... she was just the rgeat pretender.
Its a shame we all had to deal with people like that...