If we're stuck with Ns for our parents, they carefully teach us to ignore everything our good sense tells us about how badly they treat us, how intolerable that is. They dangle the hope that someday... if we just do enough for them... if we just do it exactly the right way... at exactly the right time... jump through all those impossible hoops just exactly perfectly... why, then we will earn what children with normal healthy parents receive at birth, and lifelong, simply for having been born.
Amen to you on this synopsis; you sum it all up.
I recall a T once implied to me that by "intellectually" undertsanding, but not "emotionally" undertsanding meant that I wasn't "getting it". Thus, I was still in denial.
Oh yes, I read Alice Walker and all the books, but my undertsanding was in my head, not my heart. I think at that time, I felt too scared to let the truth and awareness enter my heart. So, I guess that understanding "intellectually", but being unable to undertsand and absorb "emotionally" was my defense mechanism.
Why do we do this? I think Storm's article on the other thread hits it on the nail: because we dont want to (we CHOOSE not to) accept reality because we can't accept the truth. We feel that if we accept the truth (reality), then our acceptance of the truth will kill us. So, we BELIEVE that in order to survive, the can't accept the truth. Therefore, we understand "intellectually" but not "emotionally".
Sea, do you see how much you're growing? You're asking questions which show that you're "getting it", you're changing for the better. Yeah, it hurts like hell, but (and I'm sorry this sounds so trite) no pain, no gain. Kinda ironically, feeling your pain is a good thing. But, the pain WILL NOT last forever. Just keep with it. You're doing beautifully.