Author Topic: A 'rip' in MY universe---lack of emotions  (Read 5712 times)


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Re: A 'rip' in MY universe---lack of emotions
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2007, 02:58:53 AM »
Hey Izzy,

Not doing so well on my own, eh?

OMG, Izzy!!  that is not what I meant at all. I'm sorry if it came across that way.

What I meant is as follows:  I've been reading, for like the last year now, how a "therapeutic relationship" is so helpful as we sort thru our Foo dysfunction. 

As soon as my work life slows down in the next couple of months, I'm going back into therapy because I miss the "therapeutic relationship".

I read a lot about the FOO dysfuction stuff from which I suffer and some of it is very scary and depressing.  I know that if I was in therapy, I could discuss it with my therapist and he/she would give me more perspective.

So, no Izzy, I think you're doing really, really well.  You have grown IMMENSELY in the short time you've been on this board.  You know that you have grown IMMENSELY, don't ya?

I hope you were just gettin my goat, girl!

Letters from pre WWII?  Sounds fascinating.  Would love to hear about it if you want to share.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 03:00:25 AM by Dazed1 »


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Re: A 'rip' in MY universe---lack of emotions
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2007, 08:03:26 PM »
Hi Dazed1

I dig ya babee!

I was told there was a therapist, a good one, in a building just one street over from mine. The snow is actually gone: nice clear sidewalks and I was out today. I checked the Board on that Building (my optometrist is there) but I see no therapist. There are none in the phone book--although I just thought they might be listed under Physicians and Surgeons---my last hope for a new therapist.

I had one before, after I left the Psychopath. I didn't know he was one. I just knew what I knew. So was stuck in a groove and the therapist knocked me into the next groove by identifying his PD--she also said Narcissist and to study up on that.

I did and the light of day dawned and I saw what happened.

However, she became odd, as when I asked her something pertaining to me, she went off on a tangent, on my dime, about what she did, or what happened to her. She also made promises she didn't keep. I wonder if she is an N? She has left town.

We would meet for lunch etc. and that ruined a professional relationship. That is a no-no, she said so at the beginning, but when we were 'finshed' she was still therapizing me at lunch.

I have time. I am not insane, and I keep reading/searching for anything that fits.



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Re: A 'rip' in MY universe---lack of emotions
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2007, 09:51:22 PM »
Hey Iz,
Is it possible that therapist just doesn't keep their name on the board?

Sometimes they don't.

Can you stop someone in that building and ask???

Dang, that would be so good, if you had easy access to a good.

(Boy, the other wouldn't know a professional boundary if they wrapped her up in one!)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: A 'rip' in MY universe---lack of emotions
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2007, 10:52:05 PM »

you crack me up, babee.

Yup, it's essential to be able to spot when a good therapist goes bad.

Dang, it is hard to find a new therapist.  Best to interview them and test drive them.

Good luck finding a T, babee,
