Author Topic: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape  (Read 15128 times)


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2006, 10:09:00 PM »
Yes, indeedy.

And now that I haven't jumped in the sack with anyone for ages, I got no boyfriend at all.  :(

Than again, I've been so preoccupied with survival that I'm only fleetingly sad about it.  :)

Happier I get about my life in general, more likely I'll attract a healthy loving man, huh.


Hops the Reformed Hussy
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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #46 on: September 26, 2006, 10:29:22 PM »
 :P :lol: :P :D :) :shock: :lol: :P
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2006, 12:05:47 AM »
I think Cary's column answer today is dumb but the letters (scroll to end of column) about shame are excellent today, might interest you and several other folks:

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2006, 12:13:29 AM »
Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance.
Woman begins by resisting a man's advances and ends by blocking his retreat.

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.
Or husband... (!)
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.

Some Oscar Wilde quotes... just because I like 'em. Sort of go with the topic. Just for fun!!!!
Love, Beth

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2006, 06:05:27 AM »

There are some more Oscar quotes for you on the living thread.

Love always moon


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2006, 11:21:35 AM »
This if my first time reading this post and wanted to interject some things, if that's o.k.

  And I have never successfully cheated either, even though I tried to twice.  Promiscuity gone terribly wrong.  The story of my life.

Sorry, have to laugh here.  Again, PP, you are living my life.  I mean, I see other people cheating with no problem (well, yeah there are problems but they manage to have affairs) I couldn't even do that successfully  :roll:

 When I read the story, my first thought is, "At least somebody wanted you."  My second thought is, "You are normal and have learned things about yourself, others, and relationships in the ways that other normal people do.  You opened yourself up.  You are a real person.  I am not."

Been there, oh, live there often. I wonder where my "normal" went. 

A few years ago, a co-worker who was attracted to me, said,"Come on, Pennyplant, you must have a couple of skeletons in your closet, before your husband took you out of circulation.  Come on!"  I hated to disappoint him.  So I said, "Well, maybe a couple, but I guess I'll leave them in the closet for you to imagine."  But in reality, I just had a couple of not so interesting brushes with being human when I was 17 and that was about it.

Not sure I've even lived.  It wasn't something I was allowed or supposed to do.  I was supposed to do the housework, be home early, fun was frowned upon in my FOO

I guess it is my mother who put the tape in there.  "I had lots of boyfriends when I was your age (11), I wonder what is wrong with you."

My mom said similar things and always let it be known, without so much saying it, that she wished I were popular.  Gee, how does Cinderella become popular?? I didn't even escape for the one ball in order to lose my glass slipper.  Course, my mom had a wild past and she was keeping tight reigns on me unless I should follow in her footsteps.  Whenever anything happened, my fault or not, my mom would say, "What did you do? What have you done wrong?"  The underlying message was always  "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?"

Well, I wonder too.  It is not normal to be so off-putting that not even some clueless guy throws himself at you.

Yep, know what you mean. But I was off-putting in retrospect.  I think I had a permanent scowl on my face and didn't know it.  I think I gave off negative vibes and had no clue.

I do think that a major way of valuing women is by judging how attractive they are to men.  It is only recently that I have learned men are attracted to me.  The previous 40 years were something of a drought.

Me too, me too. Now I have guys notice me, but then again now I dress more feminine,(my mom told me when I growing up that I was supposed to be  a boy and my dad didn't value feminine stuff, so I was too tomboyish)  take care of myself, smile, make eye-contact and am much happier. So there it is, in a nutshell.  Pisses me off though that I spent 42 years thinking I was a total reject, ugly and unloveable. 

It comes back to the "Nobody else ever wanted me" tape.  I told myself that.  Well,  mom did too.  But that doesn't count.  I have told myself that hundreds and hundreds of times.  I compare myself, too:

Why does he want her--she's not slim and attractive?
How did she get so and so to do that for her, it's not like she's really going to sleep with him?
How come he liked me for awhile then forgot me?

Same here.  And I still wonder about my EA guy (emotional affair) and what that was all about.  Does he ever think of me? I pass him sometimes around town, does he still care for me?  And why should it matter? Why do I think about it??

When am I going to graduate high school in my heart?  When will I be a real person?  Maybe when I get that tape out of my head.

You and I never got to live high school, so we're in a time warp.  I working through it, but it's true that emotional stages in life just can't be jumped over really.  They're gonna surface sooner or later.

I mean, men notice me now. 

Doesn't that make you feel good??  :)

I think I was afraid to be open before.  With good reason.  So, people, guys, sensed that they should give me my distance. 

Yep, when we come across as being closed up, people look the other way.  Glad you're able to open up now.  :D

Afterall, I kind of expected rejection when I was growing up.  It wasn't as disappointing as it might have been had I expected a better social life.  Now I got a taste of being wanted, then I got kicked to the curb anyway.  That was just devastating.  And it was very selfish of me.  I did all this flirting and trying to have a fling without a lot of consideration to the fact that I am married.  There was a split in me.  Mentally I got young again for awhile.  And it wasn't the answer either.

Yep, once we get to that point of thinking "Hey, maybe this is possible, maybe this will work, I think his feelings are what they appear" and we get our hopes up and then it's all dashed........that's a butt kicker. I guess I was going through my mid life crisis (lots of stuff going on at the time) and this EA made me feel pretty and attractive and smart and I was smitten and he appeared to be smitten and it was like a comedy of errors, or rather a tragedy.  He said one thing, I thought me meant another (until I later figured it out). Then he'd say something else and then backtrack.  He certainly wasn't reading my signs clearly and I started to become way too obvious and needy.  I thought I could handle the whole situation, but instead it only added to my problems.  Looking back, I know he was hurt too.  He wasn't real sure of himself and I think he kept thinking there was no way I'd be interested in him and I think that one time his rejection of me was out of fear,,,,fear that he might not be the lover that I expected.   I guess some guys are insecure about these things and I think he was one.  And I kept thinking I was too fat and blah, blah, blah........  I can't tell you how many times I've thought of stopping by his work to see him, but then I think, "No, I'll wait until I lose 5 more pounds" when in reality I'm not fat, just healthy :D  And when he looked at me, he looked into my soul.  Ever had that experience? It's not something you can forget.  Trust me, I've tried.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 12:00:51 PM by adrift »


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #51 on: September 29, 2006, 11:23:10 AM »

You ain't mayonnaise, PP. You are truffle sauce.


 :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #52 on: September 29, 2006, 11:30:05 AM »

And Plucky is right about boys using you. But I wanted to be used. I wanted for ANYONE to want me. PLEASE??????
I understand you 100%.
And now that I am far from my ideal body type (and, let's face it, I wouldn't feel good about myself unless I looked like Scarlett Joahnssen...

Can I chime in here, too.  Yep, I would have been glad to be someone's doormat, anything just to be wanted.  Isn't that sad.  Now I see teenage girls giving themselves away and I know why they do it.  Just to feel wanted for a little while.  Guess it's good I wasn't deemed valuable merchandise in high school or I would have had a bad reputation.  As it is, I was just known for being a nerd, or worse a weirdo. 

I'm very self-conscious about my appearance too.  I don't like to go to the grocery store, church, anywhere if I feel too fat or am having a bad hair day :(   It's ridculous really.


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #53 on: September 29, 2006, 11:35:59 AM »

When some men and women want to have sex with you, they don’t see you at all. They want validation of their existence (I screw therefore I am). The partner is not a person, is not wanted for themselves. The partner is inconsequential to the act. It makes you feel less than human. Horrible.

Good insight. Really seems to sum up some attitudes in the world. 


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #54 on: September 30, 2006, 12:33:20 AM »
I don't like to go to the grocery store, church, anywhere if I feel too fat or am having a bad hair day

oh my goodness, I'd never go out! ( soon lose weight then I suppose...)

I just hit a self-sabotage place with my weight loss, feeling really good but I'm getting too much attention and it rattles me.
Trying to work on that, not quite sure how...

Re the casual sex, I think I understand me better now- I am programmed to attach and have someone to take care of me and babies. Once I release all those hormones etc it's not going to feel good when I try to go against that.

I think when there's a strong sexual attraction it's very tempting to disregard that good sense though. 'What's the harm in it...'

But I don't want sex with a man who doesn't want to know me better first even if it's not going to be a huge relationship.
If someone can't be bothered to find out more about me why would they be interested in good sex or safe sex or kind gentle sex or imaginative sex? I could be anyone as Portia points out and that's probably how they'd be treating me-  disrespectfully- partially because they also don't like the idea of being with someone who would be with a stranger!

One thing I have noticed it doesn't matter how much you like a potential partner- if they are having other relations it doesn't half make me feel compared/ inadequate/ used to be next in line.

Anyway it's been so long I think I'm due some kind of award from the Queen, honorary virgin status or something  :)


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #55 on: September 30, 2006, 01:28:03 AM »
My new antidepressant caused my libido to disappear in 24 hours.

However, it cut my chronic intense back pain in half.

The joy of the latter is actually enough to make the former pointless.

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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #56 on: September 30, 2006, 02:47:40 AM »
Hi Adrift,

And when he looked at me, he looked into my soul.  Ever had that experience? It's not something you can forget.  Trust me, I've tried.

Yes, I had that experience with the first EA.  I haven't forgotten it, but I've given up on it.  A lot has happened to me since then (it's been three or four years, during which my father died and I had the second EA with N-co-worker).  My heart has really been through the ringer these last few years.

Recently I sort of got in the middle of someone else's similar situation at work and it was kind of enlightening.  The details of the story are kind of complicated but it has to do with my supervisor and one of my co-workers who had got kind of "clingy" with her over the years.  The supervisor has major boundary issues (in fact, she was involved in a strange way with my second EA I had with the N-co-worker) and gave mixed signals to the "clingy" one.  The "clingy" one wrote her several letters asking for the "truth" and wondering why the supervisor didn't want to be as close of friends.  It looks like now there will be no level of friendship at all anymore.  I was very disappointed in the way the supervisor handled it.  She basically turned it around and blamed the whole messy thing on the clingy one.  Gave the letter back and accused her of "testing" her friendship.  To me that was unfair, because the supervisor knew for a long time there was a problem but she continued to give mixed signals and try to seem like the kind of friend the other one wanted.  To me it seemed kind of leading.

And I didn't even realize until too late, that I allowed boundaries to be violated too.  While the supervisor shouldn't have shown me that letter or even brought it up with me, I shouldn't have read it or appeared to have taken a side.  Especially since I know how it is to be on the receiving end of mixed signals.  I know how that feels to be led on.

The "clingy" one has a very poor relationship with her mother plus a lot of other stuff going on.  I think the "seeking mother" issue has been brought up on this thread.  I can see where that seems to be an issue often in these kinds of unbalanced relationships.  The supervisor also had a poor relationship with her (murdered) mother.  Her response has been to become a mother-figure to people.  In a not very healthy way, imo.

Hope this hasn't become too much of a tangent.  One thing sort of leads to another.  When I witnessed this "breakup" this week it really spoke to my own issue of wanting to be wanted and instead usually feeling rejected in my own life.  I have never really seen the other side of it, the point of view of the person who does the leading on, the person who allows you to think you might have something with them, when they never really had the desire or courage to go there to begin with.  Nor the courage to nip it in the bud.  I guess it's tricky on both sides of it.  But I still felt that it was unfair of the supervisor to put all the blame on the clingy one.  She had knowlege of the problem many, many months ago but continued to lead her on anyway.  I wondered about it myself but just hoped the clingy one had let it go.  She seemed okay all this time, but apparently was not.

A lot of people have these same holes to try and fill in.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #57 on: September 30, 2006, 01:41:22 PM »
Hi Adrift,
I love the way you sometimes send a line back to me all aglow.  :)  Thanks!

Hi PP,
It is so wonderful that you have been able to suss out so much of the dynamic of what's going on. Your compassion for the "needy" one touches me. The ambivalent boss had a murdered mother, how awful. I would bet that would make any "positive" attention hard to let go of. I agree, though, she was unfair.

So few people like to say, I made a mistake. I was wrong. I was unfair. It's as though acknowledging a mistake doubles its impact, when in fact it should halve it. I guess, like forgiveness, sometimes apologies have to be for the apologizer as much as the apologizee. I think we need more of them.

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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #58 on: October 02, 2006, 12:34:23 PM »

And I didn't even realize until too late, that I allowed boundaries to be violated too.  While the supervisor shouldn't have shown me that letter or even brought it up with me, I shouldn't have read it or appeared to have taken a side.

I encourage you to think through how you wish you had handled this ideally.  And then imagine yourself doing just that.  I try to do this when I am not pleased with the way I handled an experience.  There are two positive things that come out of this exercise for me.  The first one is that as soon as I revise the experience I let go of the regret I feel over the incident and the second advantage is that the prefered way is available to me in the future when I am faced with a similar situation.  The imaging exercise is very powerful for me. 

Sorry you had that experience at work.  I know it can make for a stressful place to function in.  Wishing you protection and love for these next few weeks at work - your friend - Gaining Strength


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Re: "Nobody else ever wanted me" old tape
« Reply #59 on: February 23, 2007, 03:01:34 PM »
There was a warning posted because this was an old thread. I think it is incredibly relevant to women's experience.
So many women feel like ugly ducklings. There is something wrong with this.
I have to go now but i have lots to say later.

Sea storm