Leah, leah, Thank you. Thank you for telling me that the principal does not have any problem with my work. Thank you. I wanted so much to hear something like that. The media center specialist said that she will not tolerate any disrespect in her sanctuary. I praised the Lord for that. Your idea of sending those little pricks in formation to the office is very good. I will tell you what happened on Monday. That is the only class that gives me problems. And it makes me feel so bad, so depressed, so useless, and they know it. It is their way to manipulate the situation to get them selves out of work. I later discovered that those two that were in the office, missed an important test in their second period, and they intentionally missed it. Also, the girl that was singing and I told her that she sould not be singing when we are working in the library, also gives a lot of disrespect to the music teacher. This is a private school, these kids are rich, they come with very expensive cars, etc. So, I know that the principal has to be very diplomatic.
Thank you.